All is vanity

A Blessed Christmas to everyone.Here is a wonderful material from Anita Evridge, and with her permission, has allowed me to feature in this column.
This is really good for reflection and personal enjoyment:
Anita Evridge
What do you long for? What do you see?
New set of golf clubs? Big screen TV?
Perhaps that new auto, Waxed and polished to shine
Perhaps long vacations, Perhaps vintage wine,
Perhaps gold and silver, Perhaps stock and trade,
Whatever the treasure, There’s more to be said.
What do you chase after? What’s your desire?
Tight-fisted handshakes, and deals to conspire
Long-winded lunches, And phone-calls galore
Never enough, We always want more.
Our schedules are crunching, While we’re power-lunching,
After we sail, Through notes and voice-mail
In between the beeping, And the meetings we’re keeping,
The parties, the closings, The finagling and scheming,
The planning, preparing, Projecting and dreaming.
These things are important, for success, tis true,
But there is one important question to pursue:
When does enough become enough?
One day we are spying the object we’re eyeing,
The next day we’re buying
After it sits around for a while, it ends up in the garage sale pile,
To be sought after again, by those hunting bargains.
We then take the money, to buy other stuff.
When does enough become enough?
One eye on the prize, the other on the Joneses prize,
When will we realize, that these are merely lies,
One man’s junk, Another man’s treasure,
One man’s work, Another man’s pleasure.
When does enough become enough?
From dust did we come, To dust we return,
And between the seeking and finding we learn
That life becomes more than worldly pursuit
That objects are objects but life is the root,
That we weary ourselves to this aimless end,
And there is no way to start over again
And we finally come to this grim reality, that all this is vanity.
There is nothing better for a man than to enjoy the works of his hands,
And to eat and drink in harmony in peace and in prosperity,
With little trouble or strife, for this is God’s gift in life.
Those who possess it are blessed indeed,
For contentment in soul and fulfillment of need,
For a man who is happy with his lot, enjoys much and toils not.
So remember the Creator in the days When we are young,
And He will be our hope For this life under the sun,
And when we rise to greet His embrace,
Perhaps we will have a smile on our face,
And not worry about the things we leave behind
Like our golf clubs, Our Big Screen TVs, And new car polished to shine.
All is vanity, this is reality.
The thing we should pursue is eternity
Makes so much sense when we think deeper about things like these, doesn’t it?
Well, here is another thought for you:
Jesus Christ was born in a poor and borrowed manger and He was buried in a rich man’s borrowed grave. He came to show us that power and eternity is in Him and everything else is only borrowed.
Again, a blessed Christmas to you and your family.
(Start the New Year right with Francis Kong. Sign up to update and upgrade your leadership and life skills with his highly acclaimed “Level Up Leadership” workshop seminar Jan. 13-14 at Makati Shangri-La Hotel. For further inquiries contact Inspire at 09158055910or call 632-6310912 or 6310660 for details.)
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