EU calls on Russia not to dispatch troops to Ukraine

BRUSSELS (Xinhua) - European Union (EU) foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Saturday called on Russia not to dispatch troops to Ukraine, but to promote its views through peaceful means.

"I deplore today's decision by Russia on the use of armed forces in Ukraine. This is an unwarranted escalation of tensions," Ashton said in a statement.

"Any possible movements, action and stationing of forces must be in accordance with international law and commitments," she said.

She urged all sides to decrease the tensions immediately through dialogue, "in full respect of Ukrainian and international law."

"The unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine must be respected at all times and by all sides. Any violation of these principles is unacceptable. More than ever, restraint and sense of responsibility are needed," Ashton added.

An extraordinary meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council will be held on Monday to discuss the EU's response to these developments.

Ashton said she will also meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov thereafter and will travel to Kiev on Wednesday to address these issues with all stakeholders.

Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin has not yet decided on the use of military force in Ukraine despite winning the green light from the upper house of parliament for such a move, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Saturday.

"Now that the Federation Council, upper house of parliament, adopted the relevant decision, the president has received the full array of means needed for settling the situation both in terms of using troops and in terms of making a decision on the head of our diplomatic mission in the United States," Peskov told a local television station.

Putin had not yet made either decision, and he would make decisions depending on how the situation evolves, the spokesman said.

Also on Saturday, Russian Federal Council chairperson Valentina Matvienko said neither NATO nor the United States had any legal justification for using armed forces in Ukraine.

"We are acting in strict compliance with legislation and the Constitution. One needs a reason to use such an extreme measure," the Interfax news agency quoted her as saying.

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