Negros Oriental teachers’ group hit SONA’s omission on pay increase

CEBU, Philippines - The Teacher Dignity Coalition-Negros Oriental chapter had expressed dismay on the State of the Nation Address of President Benigno Aquino III, for not even mentioning the teachers and their increase in their take-home pay.

Rico Taneza, TDC National Council member representing Region 7, said the teachers were expecting to be mentioned in the SONA, but Aquino did not do it, but cited instead his "yaya" and the other people around him.

Taneza said the teachers for the past five years had been clamoring for an increase in their salaries, and were lately hoping that this will be granted before Aquino leaves office, or during the remaining 10 months of his administration.

The TDC official, who is a supervisor of Grade 10 at the Negros Oriental High School, was hoping for the president to support a proposed bill, authored by Senator Bam Aquino, providing for a P10,000 across the board increase for teachers, regardless of rank.

However, there was still no truth to reports of an increase in the salary of teachers starting January next year,  because this would still be subjected to legislation, he added.  (FREEMAN)

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