Labor Day
Every first Monday of September, the United States celebrates Labor Day, a federal holiday that honors and recognizes all workers for their contributions to the nation's success. Established in the 1900s, Labor Day also underscores the role of labor unions and their leaders in advocating for equitable working conditions, fair compensation, and dignity for every worker, irrespective of their position or job type.
A notable cultural difference I've observed in the US is the absence of stigma attached to one's profession. Contrary to the Philippines, where people might feel embarrassed to disclose they work as garbage collectors, construction workers, or janitors, Americans express pride in their jobs, reflecting a sense of self-worth and esteem.
As of June 2024, immigrants constitute more than 19% of the US workforce, with over 32 million out of a total of 169 million workers. They participate in the labor force at a higher rate than their native-born counterparts, as reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Some interesting statistics pertaining to immigrants in the workforce gathered by the BLS in 2023 include the following:
• Individuals born outside of the United States constituted 18.6% of the US civilian labor force, an increase from 18.1% in 2022.
• Hispanics comprised nearly half (47.6%) of the foreign-born labor force, while Asians made up a quarter.
• Foreign-born men participated in the labor force at a significantly higher rate (77.5%) compared to native-born men (66.1%). Conversely, the labor force participation rate for foreign-born women was 56.1%, slightly below the 57.6% rate for native-born women.
• Foreign-born workers are more likely to be employed in service roles, as well as in natural resources, construction, maintenance, production, transportation, and material moving occupations. Conversely, they are less likely to hold positions in management, professional, and related fields, as well as in sales and office jobs, compared to native-born workers.
• The median usual weekly earnings for full-time wage and salary workers who were foreign-born stood at $987, in contrast to $1,140 for their native-born counterparts.
I will not delve further into statistical data. It is enough to state that immigrants have significantly contributed to the US workforce and, consequently, to the US economy. Their earnings are spent on daily necessities, purchasing homes, educating their children, and establishing businesses. These actions are among the many positive impacts of a dynamic and robust immigrant community.
To all workers, happy Labor Day! We appreciate everything you do and thank you for all that you do!
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