President Manuel Quezon’s speech on the creation of the cities of Cebu, Davao, Iloilo, and Zamboanga

Part 4

It was during the first years of the presidency of Manuel Luis Quezon of the Commonwealth that the municipalities of Cebu (Commonwealth Act 58), Davao (Commonwealth Act 51), Iloilo (Commonwealth Act 57), and Zamboanga (Commonwealth Act 39) were enacted in 1936 and inaugurated in 1937. Here is the speech of President Quezon delivered in Iloilo (it was Elpidio Quirino who was Secretary of the Interior who represented Quezon in the inauguration of Cebu City on February 24, 1937):

“In the exercise of the power which has been given me to appoint the mayors of these newly-created cities, I have carried out, not only the letter but the spirit of the law, in the very face of attempted partisan influences from every side. For Cebu, Zamboanga, and Davao, I have appointed as mayors men who have been for many years in the service of the Government, who occupied their previous positions after passing civil service examinations, and who have remained and have been promoted in the public service in accordance with civil service rules and regulations. Each and every one of these men has made a splendid record as a good executive and administrator, as an honest and patriotic public servant.

“The man whom I have appointed mayor of the City Iloilo is the one exception. Doctor Campos is a renowned practicing physician, an individual of excellent record in this city, not only as a doctor but as a man and a citizen. I did not choose Doctor Campos. He was recommended to me by representatives of the different elements of Iloilo, political and otherwise. He has the endorsement of Governor Consing, Assemblymen Montinola, Zulueta, Confesor, Salcedo, and Buenaflor. The business community is for him. Some labor leaders whom I consulted also approve of his appointment.

“When I tendered the appointment to Doctor Campos, he begged me to be allowed to decline it, on the ground that his professional and business interests would suffer thereby. Upon my insistence, Doctor Campos accepted the post only as a public duty that he could not well evade.

“I congratulate Doctor Campos and the people of Iloilo, and I express the hope that both will be thankful for this appointment; Mayor Campos, because it affords him an opportunity to serve his people, the people of a great and progressive city, and the people of Iloilo, because under Mayor Campos’ administration the city will, I am confident, develop and improve.” (To be continued)

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