Managing business organizations in times of uncertainty

These are difficult and uncertain times. Today's business world demands managers of topnotch caliber, bold, daring but with multiple competencies. Changes are happening too fast, and, in fact, many traditions have been shattered, standards outmoded, and even rules violated. Millennials are changing the rules of the game, even the game itself. These VUCA times of volatile and uncertain happenings are fast unfolding sans any advanced signs and warnings. It takes bold and dauntless managers and leaders of private business organizations to survive, excel, and win.

This is no longer the era of Baby Boomers like me, who are used to SOPs, demand absolute loyalty and respect, and expect subordinates to follow the chain of command and adhere to company rules without ifs and buts. Today, our business organizations are mere specks in a universe of millions of players worldwide. In today's borderless global economy, there are no more political and economic boundaries. The ASEAN is now an ASEAN economic community, just as with the EU and OPEC. Countries are federating. Even North Korea is reuniting with South Korea, just as North and South Vietnam did. Thus, in today's business companies, there are no more boundaries, borders, or walls separating departments. The corporate structure has become fluid and borderless.

There is no single boss and no single chain of command. Employees are no longer human resources but human capital. People are no longer cost centers but profit centers. And training is no longer an expense but an investment. Working hours are already flexible. Many young employees now work at home and mothers can bring babies to the workplace. The DOLE requires lactation rooms, and employers must have gender-sensitivity policies. Maternity leaves are about to be extended to 120 days with pay plus an optional 30 more days without pay. Employers are required to understand and help when their female employees are subjected to violence or have become solo parents. Employers have to grant extended leaves. Those who have had ovariectomy, hysterectomy, and mastectomy can go on leave with pay for two months.

Companies are now being asked to be mindful of the human rights of workers. That is why employees found positive for drugs are considered victims, not offenders. Those with HIV and AIDs are given compassion and nurturing. The companies must have policies on Anti-TB and Anti-Hepatitis B. There is much impetus on occupational health and safety, and violations are deemed criminal offenses. Workers now have constitutional and Labor Code rights to participate in policy and decision-making. Management prerogatives are not only eroded, they are pushed to the point of irrelevance. Managers now must shift from being autocratic to becoming behaviorist mentors and crusaders. HR now is a line function, and HR managers' performance must be linked to company performance in productivity, quality, sales, and profits.

Today's mantras are the very exacting buzzwords of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. The times demand that businessmen and their managers should have the competencies and attitudes to cope, survive, and to win over all odds. Failing means they should be eliminated. This is a cruel world once again, where only the fittest survive.

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