Through us the Eucharist dialogues with the world
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but will have everlasting life." (Jn 3,16)
With these words, we are given an idea of how God feels about the world, estranged from him because of our sin. He is not definitively mad at it. Rather because of its sinfulness, He sends his Son to save it, and so the Son cannot help but engage the world in a constant dialogue, an abiding relationship.
This relationship has to be an ongoing affair, since the world continues to evolve, though in a manner that is within the nature God himself gave it. The obvious purpose is to infuse the redemptive Christian spirit to it. What takes place is therefore a dialogue that helps the world to evolve in a homogeneous manner, not heterogeneous.
And since Christ remains with us alive and active in the most excellent way in the Holy Eucharist, we have to understand that this Christian dialogue with the world has to revolve around the Holy Eucharist. It cannot and should not be done outside of the Eucharist that is also described as the "sum and summary of our faith."
But we also need to realize that this dialogue involves all of us, the believers and disciples of Christ, because this time the continuing interventions of Christ in world affairs are done together with his mystical Body, the Church, and that is us.
Here we can already detect the need for us to be truly Eucharistic souls, firm believers not only in the real presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, but also of his continuing involvement in world affairs.
It's this spirituality of the Eucharist that will help us have a true concern for the world, knowing what is really important and necessary in orienting the world to its proper end, without getting lost in its many peripheral albeit instrumental issues.
It's this spirituality of the Eucharist that will make us more sensitive and attentive to Christ's words of commissioning his apostles: "Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mk 16,15)
It's this spirituality of the Eucharist that will give us an idea of how to enter into dialogue with the world, what and how to preach and engage the world in a meaningful conversation, and how to be open-minded, tolerant, versatile but not confused and lost.
It's this spirituality of the Eucharist that will impart in us that proper sense of prudence and discretion, which has nothing to do with cowardice and human respect, and is very much compatible with the need for boldness to speak the word of God in season and out of season.
It's this spirituality of the Eucharist that will endow us with the "gift of tongue," giving us that proper sense of what to say at what time and place and with due consideration of many other relevant circumstances. It's what makes the dialogue cordial and respectful even in the midst of some conflicting views.
Are we aware, at least, of these responsibilities? Are we making ourselves ready for this duty? Do we know what exactly are involved in preparing ourselves for this continuing Christian dialogue with the world?
There's obvious need to raise the awareness of everyone about this dimension of our Christian life. What programs and strategies are crafted for this purpose? What means are used to measure in some way any progress or development in this regard?
Do we have clear ideas and guidelines as to what attitudes and skills are relevant to be inculcated among the different sectors of society? Are we providing occasions and opportunities for people to develop these proper attitudes and skills?
Do we have an effective way of keeping a running account and inventory of the relevant issues to be tackled? Are there appropriate offices and structures with proper authority and competence to handle these issues?
We need to remember that Christ in the Eucharist, and that means us also, wants to get involved in every human issue, situation, challenge, etc., giving them their proper perspective and meaning. There is nothing in our life where Christ is irrelevant.
We need to bring Christ to all spheres and aspects of the world-business, politics, culture and social life, the sciences and the arts, the technologies, the world of economics and finance, religions, ideologies and philosophies.
Christ wants to reach out to everyone, including those who prefer to be outliers, detached from any human system, or are forced by circumstance to be marginalized.
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