Cine plaza

It was a night reminiscent of decades ago when people in a rustic place gathered at the plaza and watch a much-anticipated movie. They were excited as only a few affluent in the town had television sets. When children gathered at the receiving area of their neighbor just to watch their favorite television programs, and if late for this routine, chances were, you would stay outside and watch through the windows or jalousie slats.

That was when a big screen was installed in the plaza, a welcome break for the townsfolk. Our great grandparents and parents are living witnesses of this unique experience.

And to relive this experience for the new generation is indeed a personal fulfillment. Last November 26, 2015 at 6 pm was the culmination of my Humanities 1 classes (A, C & D). Dubbed as Mugna Film Festival and Art Exhibits, students displayed their paintings and sculptures at the Joggers' Path of the University of the Philippines Cebu.

There were 10 short films of 10 minute per film being screened. Students, parents, family members and guests sat on the grass and viewed the films projected on wide screen. Blessed with a full moon and fresh air-an ambiance that, as they say, communing with nature.

Although we have possible venues for film viewing like the Performing Arts Hall, Arts and Sciences Conference Hall, and Audio Visual Room, but few days before the event, I decided to have the activity held outdoors. Even if I had reserved the Performing Arts Hall, anyway I didn't cancel the reservation just in case it would rain so we could have a ready alternative venue.

Students spread their mats, brought food-this scene invited curiosity from other students and even the passersby outside the campus. I was so delighted that even from afar, those informal settlers took time to watch the films. This was entirely the main goal, to utilize the empty space for accessibility and wider viewership. Though we were challenged by technicalities as the projector and sound system didn't work so well but nevertheless the end goal was achieved.

Thousand miles away, San Antonio City in Texas, United States of America has a similar concept, but with a twist. With an environment-friendly approach, audience can view an outdoor cinema without any cars, can ride their bikes to the event and use them to power the movie projector. They claim to be the first in all of Texas to have successfully launched the project. Dubbed as Cycle-In Cinema, it aims to inspire and empower a wider understanding and uptake of renewable energy technologies and create a movement towards their energy consumptive habits by engaging their audiences in how energy works in a fun and interesting way through this pedal powered movie series.

Looking back, Mr. Ron Heri had started this concept of cine plaza a few months ago in his hometown and some other parts of Metro Cebu. He had Cebuano film screenings at the Plaza Independencia.

Last Friday, November 27, 2015 I was invited by actor Leon Miguel and director Christian Paolo Lat of the International Academy of Film and Television (IAFT) in Mactan to watch their students' films. And to my surprise, it was also a cine plaza concept where the audience sat on the grasses and benches-truly a great idea of bringing films away from the confines of four-walled structures.

In rural areas when the night engulfs the whole town, people find the plaza as venue for interactions. And for every opportunity that they can converge, they take it as something special and significant. Such in the case when some well-intentioned groups would bring films closer to them and in some cases wherein there are no available big venues or structures that would support for larger audiences, they find the plazas as alternatives.

We are part of the big social universe. Driven by the communal needs through cultural and artistic undertakings, we find substance and relevance in what we do. And bringing the message in whatever channel of delivery to a greater majority drives the crux of the matter.

Congratulations to my Humanities 1 students especially to the winners! Mabuhi ug padayun, UP!


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