Into one's hands

People may already be desperate about how the Philippine political system is working. President after president, some major recurrent problems still exist. We point the persistent corruption and the citizens' lack of discipline as major contributory factors to our country's inability to move forward.

Yes, we have democacy that our ancestors have fought for. But the kind of democracy we are enjoying now is too much that it is no longer good for us and our country. We lack discipline. And when we have one who is perceived to have the strong will to lead us in fighting against these social evils, we put our faith and hopes in him.

And then the news came about Mayor Rodrigo Duterte of Davao City letting a Filipino tourist swallow cigarette butts after arrogantly refusing to heed the restaurant owner's advise not to smoke. The city is seriously implementing its anti-smoking ordinance. This was posted in the Facebook of one of Duterte's supporters and advisers, making the incident as if very recent. However, it turned out that this happened a long time ago. Added to this is that the mayor used a gun pointing at the tourist's crotch. 

Because of what the mayor did, he has earned adulation for his hands-on leadership style that many say helped turn Davao City into one of the safest in the country. This kind of public image has boosted his bid for presidency. "Supreme Rodrigo Duterte of Davao for President!–so goes the call for him to run for president.

For those who believe in his leadership style, he's the law there. And if he wants to curb crime by any methods possible, many believe this will help the Philippines grow as a nation.

But going back to what he did to the toursist is, without restraint, making two wrongs right. The tourist may indeed arrogant in defying the local ordinance and needed to be punished. But apparently the mayor is taking the law in his own hands, deciding that he is above the law. If an average citizen were to take the same actions as the mayor even if that person was a policeman I believe he would be in prison. I see this as an abuse of power. If he really is strict, then the mayor should have him fined and/or imprisoned. That's the law. Perhaps many may celebrate if given a chance to be the president, he would kill and bury the crooks and grafters in the sunken cemetery. In this case, what then is the use of the law? 

We laud if we see leaders who show good examples for us to emulate  but we appreciate more than when through their firm modeling, we see those charge with implementing the laws to have shown dedicated obedience.

Duterte's gangster and criminal acts and ways will make the situation of our country worse. Will he be able to represent the Philippines internationally? Some don't think so. Many admire Duterte because the people are so sick of the injustice, corruption, and crimes that are going on. Some say electing Duterte as president or even as VP would be the biggest mistake the FIlipinos would commit. A gangster who openly talks of his killing and inhumane acts. Is this the kind of society we want to live?

We may be exceedingly  frustrated over what's going on but I dare say the mayor's way is not the solution to the problems we face. We have laws and we just have to religiously follow them. Easily said than done but when if this becomes a conscious effort among us, with a strong leadership, it is possible. And when I say strong leadership it doesn't mean taking the law in our own hands.

Meting out justice as one sees fit without due recourse to law enforcement agencies is tantamount to disrespecting the law itself. We can rightly say never ever challenge the law but also never take it outside the limits.


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