Seniang played possum

Typhoon Seniang played possum. No one, not even the weathermen, thought she could inflict the harm that she did: Killing 35 with scores missing (as of this writing, Dec. 31, 2014) flooding neck-deep in many places, breaking down a concrete bridge, etc.


Said a barangay official in a South Cebu town: "Di gyud palupig si Seniang nilang Yolanda ug Ruby. Basta mga babaye mag-indigay gyud. Hehehe."


In trying to comfort relatives of Air Asia tragedy victims in Indonesia, Surabaya mayor Tri Rismaharini said: "You have to be strong. They are not ours, they belong to God." I say amen to that.


It says here: Milyun-milyon ang wedding gown ni Marian." It's none of my business but that milyun-milyon peso for a wedding gown could have fed milyun-milyon hungry stomachs too. Just thinking out loud.


What is the most important sex organ in man? An article I read in my favorite entertainment editor Rick Lo's "Funfare" column (PhilStar, Dec. 31/14) said: "The brain is the most important sex organ." I guessed wrong. You, too?


A 95-year-old Chinese fisherman when asked what his longevity secret was simply said: "Staying unmarried." A week later he got married for the first time on the prodding of his relatives. Two days later he died. The widow, 29, has married another fisherman. That fast! (Thanks to Abner Fiel who submitted the item to this column."


Lawrence Agcaoili in his PhilStar yearender report (Dec. 31/14) said: "Intense competition among telecom companies is expected to continue" (in 2015). If their subscribers (75 M for Smart and affiliates and 43 M for Globe and associates) could benefit from this intense competition, let the competition never end.


OVERHEARD...The news says Floyd Mayweather is dangling P$20 million for a Miguel Cotto rematch. The bystanders in a Sanciangco  barbershop have different views. Said one: "Nganong si Cotto man? Abi kay hibaw-an na niya ang patyanan ni Cotto." Another comment: "Nagsige'g panghagit si Pacquiao ug away si Cotto gyud iyang gipili." Third comment: "Ang wa manghagit niya maoy awayon. Wa na lang tagda ni Pacquiao ang sige'g yawit ni Mayweather. Nagsige na lang Bible study, way kuwartang dag-on, apan mas mahal ang gugma sa Ginoo."


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