Who will protect us from the police?

The recent despicable crime of kidnapping, serious illegal detention and robbery committed in the EDSA Greenhills area, in the heart of the nation's center of  government, allegedly by active and inactive members of Metro Manila Police Force, has once again put into focus the jugular question of who shall protect the citizens from their so-called protectors, the honorable members of the Integrated National Police. While most of our police officers and men and women in uniforms may indeed be true officers and gentlemen and gentle women, the rising incidence of criminality, police brutality and many other abuses and malpractices attributed to the police lately is a matter of grave national concern.

If the police are really the defender of the people from criminal elements, who shall defend the people from the police, or elements in the police forces who tend to terrorize citizens, abuse their powers and authority and place individuals, communities,  and the nation under an atmosphere of terror, insecurity and of constant fear. The police forces are supposed to safeguard the whole country from criminals, terrorists and other elements who threaten the security and safety of people, their homes, livelihoods, and properties. But when the protectors become the terrorists themselves, then we have a very serious problem.

" What is happening to our country, General?" These were the worried and terrified words coming from former Vice President Emmanuel Pelaez many years ago,  while he was rushed to the hospital with a bullet wound from a would-be assassin. Today, we reiterate this question and demand from the chief of the PNP, General Alan L Purisima, and  DILG Secretary Manuel A Roxas: What is really happening? Why is it possible for men in uniform to use their guns and equipment in sowing fear and terror among the people? How can these officials govern the nation when they cannot even assure the citizens of a safe, peaceful, and secure place for ourselves and our families?

Why is it that policemen are involved in robberies and kidnappings? Why can their superiors impose on them the strict discipline expected of all men in uniform? Why do some police officers involve themselves in major and heinous crimes like murders, kidnapping, and bribery? Why are traffic policemen too focused on arresting motorists and apprehending young people for misdemeanor, instead of maintaining a smooth flow of traffic and educating pedestrians to avoid jaywalking and other violations of traffic rules?

Why is extortion of jeepney and bus drivers still rampant today?

Why are crime suspects apprehended by the police still subjected to third degree harassment in order to compel confessions? Why are there too much brutality in jails and prisons?  Why are drugs and women allowed to be brought to detention centers? Why do policemen use their police insignia, uniforms and power to solicit favors and goodies from Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese tourists? Why do uniformed men fire indiscriminately against innocent people, like that dangerous policeman in Lingayen who allegedly fired upon people, killing three teachers and injuring many others, including children?

What indeed is happening to our police forces, General?


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