MCWD's two-tiered discount scheme
In a recent news report which appeared in a local newspaper MCWD claims that its discount scheme is not "anti-poor." I stand by my belief that the new tiered discount scheme is anti-poor. Why — because those water consumers who enjoyed the discount for several years until end of 2013 without limitation of water consumed lost the discount.
Most of these consumers come from the lower level of our society. MCWD also reported that "not all consumers pay on time. Will MCWD provide us with figures on this?
Another reason the discount scheme is anti-poor is because it favors large consumers. Higher volume of water consumed plus the discounts gained would translate to larger profits meaning higher bonuses and allowances to officers which again COA would disallow. Which reminds that COA ordered the return to the government from Region 7 water districts for the unauthorized bonuses and allowances in the total amount of P186,584,000 for year 2012.
Was MCWD (the former Osmeña Waterworks System) organized for profit or service?
MCWD said in the report that "those consuming above 30 cubic meters a month was paying P48 per cubic meter."
Wrong. I computed the average water rate for 39 cubic meters and the result was P23.03.
MCWD further said that it serves 160,000 consumers with average consumption of 180,000 cubic meters. Dividing 180,000 cubic meters with 160,000 the answer is 1.125 cubic meters. Is this correct?
The public would like to know
from MCWD the following:
1.Were all water connection applicants approved?
2.Were there pending applications on the table waiting for approval?
3.Is there sufficient water supply to meet the demands?
Just received today MCWD's February bills and the total 5% discounts lost on my and four other neighbors totaled P88.43.
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