Of Saints and Souls

The whole country is now on remember and reunion mode. The month of November opens with prayers offered to beloved saints and souls of dearly departed. Traffic will be clogged as families troop to visit their beloved dead in cemeteries. Vendors and police will be kept very busy with so many making their annual visits to their beloved departed.

There will be silent, solemn moments remembering and offering prayers for the eternal rest and peace of those who have joined the Creator. There will be joyful, loud moments as well spent with families and relatives during this festive remembrance of souls.

The saints are also prayed to, for their intercession and inspiration. The souls, however, seem to get more attention than the saints during this period.

There will certainly be tears and grief among the quake victims as well. Let us join them and pray for the eternal rest and peace of their loved ones.     

We wonder about the state and condition of the cemeteries in Bohol. Did the huge earthquake destroy tombs just like it did to some churches and homes? Reports may soon come in after families go and visit their dead this week. We pray the graves for the dead are kept intact when their families go and offer prayers this week.

During this period, it may be worth reflecting upon the lives of the saints, how their complete obedience and service for God earned for them their heavenly reward for joyfully and wholeheartedly embracing their trials and challenges during their stay on earth. All were ordinary persons who chose to follow God faithfully, happily. May we remember to ask God to bless us all with His grace of faith and obedience, unworthy though we may be, not only this time but always.

The earthquakes and typhoons serve to remind us all as well about our frailty and mortality. We may not all be saints but we will all leave our bodies and move on as souls to rejoin our Creator, someday, in His time and in His way.

Preparation then is urgent, not only for disasters but for departure from this world as well. This time of the year is, therefore, not only for remembering our beloved saints and departed but also a time for us to remember to always prepare ourselves for our joyful reunion with our Lord.

The recent elections also can be viewed as a reminder to our people whether they followed the ways of the saints or not. Like saints, did our people take the road for God, did our people vote honestly and did the winners win honestly as well? Politicians seem to see their rule and reign as eternal, their dynasties unending. The abusive and corrupt proceed as if there were no other god but wealth.

            This week, the new month of November starts a new period, not only for remembrance and reunion of saints and of souls. Like the leaves now shedding off their green colors, this month can be a time well spent for self and spiritual renewal and preparation for a better life here on earth and hereafter.

Keep safe and enjoy your long and hopefully, reflective, break this week everyone!


Email at cherryb_thefreeman@yahoo.com



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