EDITORIAL - Crooks emboldened by apathy

In light of the spate of killings in Cebu, this question was asked: "Why are crooks so bold?" The answer is, of course, that crooks are only as bold as society allows them to be. And that is the sad part because that is precisely what Philippine society has done.

This sweeping apathy toward crime is evident in two important aspects, from the limp-wristed approach to loose firearms, to the lack of seriousness in cracking down on illegal drugs -- guns and drugs being the main ingredients in the evil mix of criminal activity.

It is truly a wonder how the authorities can remain clueless until now when the signs are staring them right in the face. The police ask, in the wake of the recent Cebu killings, what is happening?

Hello? Don't the police ever read their own records? Haven't they noticed that in almost any arrest they make of suspected criminals, the two items that are usually confiscated from their possession are guns and illegal drugs?

Haven't the police ever asked themselves why, for people who seem to be so hard up, these crime suspects would have guns or drugs on them instead of food or some other essential item they actually need?

If authorities truly, sincerely, seriously, earnestly want to arrest the rise of wanton criminality to a level where people can say they feel they are safe in their communities and in the society they live in, all they have to do is go after the guns and the illegal drugs.

Unfortunately, any initiative in this direction is never sustained. It's as if everything is just one big charade, of going through the motions. And that is what is wrong with any effort to do something for the greater good. Everything is just one giant going through the motions.

If you don't believe this, just watch how police conduct checkpoints, or even how security guards check people and vehicles going into the malls. Cops at checkpoints only check those on motorcycles and jeepneys. Guards only perfunctorily tap waists and stick-check bags.

One practice is so hilarious malls and supermarkets might as well stop all pretense. Notice how guards use mirrors to check underneath vehicles? Try asking them if they even know what they are looking for. And the question is still asked why crooks have gotten so bold?

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