College education in distant islands

Reader Jose Garrido of Cagayan de Oro City wants to hear about a law that would require medical doctors to write clearly on their prescription pads. “Some pharmacy clerks didn't study how to decipher scrawley handwriting,” Mr. Garrido says.

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“A badly written prescription could result in grave error in dispensing the medicine prescribed,” Mr. Garrido added.

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Everytime I read a news story that someone has committed suicide, I am reminded of what Voltaire once said: “The man who, in a fit of melancholy, killed himself today, would have wished to live had he waited a week.”

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At least two of our bright and young senators have broken marriages. Actually, all marriages are happy, according to Bob Phillips, my favorite humor writer, “It's the living together afterwards that causes all the trouble.”

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I read Dr. Guido Magdadaro's open letter to PNoy in last Wednesday's TF and I hope the message reached the President and the CHED too. Guido wanted the students in distant islands, like Camotes, to have access to college education without having to come to the city for the purpose. Guido is head of the Mt. Moriah College in Poro.

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Education Sec. Armin Luistro is batting for the teaching of Bahasa Indonesia or Malay in our schools. I once made a similar suggestion in this column, maybe a year or two ago. I realized the importance of this language during my journalistic visit to Asean countries.

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My fellow journalists from Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore all spoke Bahasa and so they could understand each other well. My Pinoy companions and I spoke to them in English. And to think that Filipinos also belong to the Malay race like them.

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Before I run out of space I want to thank Punta Princesa Brgy. Captain Joe Navarro for calling me up recently. Joe did not call just to say hello but to inquire about how I was doing in my battle against my ailment. I was touched by Joe's call especially his language of concern.

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OVERHEARD. Two women were heard talking about the Kris, James and their son Bimby. Said one: “Nganong dili man tugutan si Bimby nga moduol sa iyang amahan?” Woman No. 2: “Duna koy ikasulti bahin ana pero di na lang ko mosulti. Basin ipapriso ta.” Woman No. 1: “Ka way klaro nimo oi. Na hala. Tara na sa madyongan ni Mare Goria.”

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