Navy shows skills in joint drill with US troopers

CEBU, Philippines - The waters of Mactan Channel became yesterday’s venue of a joint combined exercise training that aimed to enhance the Philippine Navy’s skills in the combat against illegal sea activities.

Members of the Philippine Navy and the US Navy conducted the Visit Board Search and Seizure exercise, which is helpful in apprehending those involved in human trafficking, illegal fishing and illegal transport at sea.

Yesterday’s drill was joined by at least 15 members of the US Navy and 14 from the Naval Forces Central Special Operations Unit.


In carrying out the drill, one of the American troopers acted out as a senator who was onboard a moving ship.

The whole team’s goal was to rescue the abducted senator from the hands of armed seajackers.

As soon as the seajacking occurred, two naval groups onboard rigid-hull inflatable boats positioned near the senator’s vessel to start the rescue mission.

The first boat served as the attacking group while the second one was there to provide reinforcement.

The first group then jumped into the vessel and proceeded to the cubicle housing the hijacked senator after gunning down the enemies.

The mission ended with the mission’s leader instructing the ship’s captain to safely dock the vessel at the nearby port.

The groups were able to take the senator to safety.


In his assessment of the drill, Lieutenant James Reyes, community relations officer of Naval Forces Central, said the troopers used their marksmanship and boat handling skills in saving the subject.

“We see the need to develop our men’s ability in conducting special maritime operations because, as we know, Cebu and the Philippines in general are surrounded by waters,” he said.

Reyes said the exercise was important to remind uniformed personnel that the proper rules of engagement are applied during naval operations.

Reyes added that yesterday’s activity was part of the Philippine-US Mutual Defense Treaty and the Visiting Forces Agreement.

“It is an exchange of knowledge between the Philippine Navy and US Navy,” he said.

American troopers have been staying in Cebu for two weeks now to conduct water exercises with the local men in uniform.

The same exercise is scheduled to be held in Tawi-Tawi by the end of this month.  (FREEMAN)

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