Illegal fishers in Lapu nabbed

CEBU, Philippines - The Task Force Kalisakan of the Lapu-Lapu City Police Office arrested  two fishermen whom they caught in the act of fishing illegally in the seawaters of Caubian Island yesterday morning.

Teofilo Aying, 31 and Rolando Siton, 27, both residents of Caubian island were  temporarily detained at the Lapu-Lapu city Police Headquarters after their arrest yesterday morning.

The Task Force Kalikasan led by PO1 Brando Maraña acted on the information they received from a concerned citizen regarding the illegal fishing activities of the arrested persons at said place.

On board a speed boat, they cornered the suspects at the seawaters of Barangay Caubian and found five big improvised explosives made of a liter bottles, five kilos of blasted fish, a compressor with more or less 35 meters of hose, swimming fins, masks and police also took custody of the motorized boat they were using.

PSupt. Virgilio Ranes who heads the Task Force Kalikasan said that residents along the different islets and  coastal areas of Lapu-lapu city are now  vigilant after  OIC Lapu-lapu City Police Office Director Armando Radoc visited them and asked for their cooperation to immediately informed the police of any illegal fishing activities and illegal drug activities in their areas so the police can immediately address it .

Cases of  violation of Section 88 of R.A. 8550 (Fishing through Explosives), City Ordinance # 312-A-2006 (Fishing with the use of Compressor) and City Ordinance # 293-2005 (Fishing without Boat Registration).  (FREEMAN)

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