Juvenile files plaint vs cop

CEBU, Philippines -  The Talisay City Police Station officer-in-charge said he will need the pictures of all police officers who live at Deca Homes Subdivision in barangay Dumlog to find out who mauled a juvenile Saturday.

A 16-year-old boy accompanied by his parents went to the police station to file a complaint against a police officer who allegedly mauled him last Saturday in sitio Miramar, Barangay Poblacion, Talisay City.

It was alleged the police officer resides at Deca Homes Subdivision.

PO3 Violeta Godinez of the Talisay City Women and Children Protection Desk told The Freeman that chief of police Superintendent Resty Santos has tasked her to get the pictures of all police officers who reside at Deca Homes.

Godinez said the pictures will be presented to the minor and witnesses for examination.

She also said documents are being readied in case charges will be filed against the officer.

The juvenile had said he was on board a truck belonging to a neighbor loaded with sand for delivery.

He said while the truck was travelling, he picked up a stone from the sand and tossed it over.

The stone allegedly landed on the belt bag of a policeman who was on a motorcycle at the time.

 The minor said this made the police officer very angry and he told him to come down from the truck.

When he came down, he said the policeman choked him and then hit him on the abdomen.

He also said he can identify the officer if he saw him again. (FREEMAN)

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