In Mandaue City Quisumbing tells City Council: Set aside politics

CEBU, Philippines — Mandaue City Mayor Gabriel Luis Quisumbing hopes that some members of the City Council should set aside politicking, following the recent misunderstanding of a proposed revamping of committee chairmanships.

Until now, the members of the council are still discussing about how to go through the reorganization in a legal way.

"They have to put aside the political game to (an) end, kaning mga moves that is purely for PR purposes only," the mayor said.

In last week's special session, the City Council wants reorganization, following the long-vacated post of the late Councilor Demetrio Cortes, Jr., which is now filled in by newly-appointed Councilor Marie Immaline Cortes-Zafra, his daughter.

"The newly-appointed member of the Sanggunian who replaced the late councilor Demetrio C. Cortes, Jr. does not have any committee assigned to her, she must be given at least one committee that would fit her profession and expertise as a registered nurse," read the proposed resolution 181-2018 or the reconstituting of the composition of some standing regular committees of the Sanggunian.

This proposed resolution was favored by the majority of the city councilors that include Carmelino Del Mar, Jr., Malcolm Sanchez, Zafra, Cynthia Cinco-Remedio and Association of Barangay Captain (ABC) President Ernie Manatad, and Sangguniang Kabataan Federation President Dalli Mae Cabatingan.

Vice Mayor Carlo Fortuna reportedly noted that the proposed resolution was "out of order" and eventually adjourned the special session and walked out together with other five administration-allied councilors.

Allied with the present administration are Councilors Kevin Cabahug V, Nilo Seno, Elmer Cabahug, Benjamin Basiga, and Elstone Dabon.

In reviewing the contents of the resolution, Fortuna reportedly explained that the proposed one did not only cover vacancies but around eight committees that are not vacant were included for the revamp.

The presiding officer, according to Fortuna in a previous report, has the power “to rule and decide on every motion or resolution presented on the floor", ensuring that any matter presented in the session should be in accordance with the house rules.

Quisumbing, meanwhile, said that there may be a misunderstanding of the house rules in the City Council.

"I really hope that they understand that we are talking here about the future of Mandaue City," he said, adding that they are not "deodorants" that would cover up the actions made by the previous administration. — GAN (FREEMAN)

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