Tampering with meter: Taxi driver sacked for overcharging

CEBU, Philippines - A taxi driver was dismissed from service after a passenger filed a complaint before the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board-7, claiming that he tampered with his unit’s meter.

Juscar Taxi terminated Rogelio Buan after it found him guilty of the complaint.

Isidro Tumulak lodged a complaint against Buan for alleged overcharging. The complainant said his usual taxi fare is only P155 but he was surprised when it went up to P258 last week.

The complaint prompted the LTFRB-7 to call the attention of the operator. Juscar Taxi conducted its own investigation and found out that his meter seal was broken. A gadget was attached to it with a switch hidden behind the dashboard.

The switch locally known as “rak-rak” enables the driver to control the speed of the meter. Buan denied tampering with the meter but his alibi was not given weight by the company.

Lawyer Jose Lim said the act destroyed the good name of Juscar Taxi and besmirched the reputation of the other drivers working for the company.

"The riding public was shortchanged because of the fraudulent method employed. Precisely, estafa was committed. In view of the seriousness and gravity of the act done, he is dismissed from service as taxi driver," said Lim in his investigation report submitted to LTFRB-7. (FREEMAN)

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