Man slits GF’s throat on eve of love month

CEBU, Philippines - What could have been a simple lovers’ quarrel that started with the girlfriend’s blocking her boyfriend on Facebook ended up with the latter slitting the woman’s throat.

The incident happened Sunday morning in Barangay Puti-an, Bantayan town.

Angily Bawi-in, 18, resident of the said barangay, who sustained a lacerated wound to the neck, was rushed to Bantayan District Hospital.

Police Officer 2 Michel Giganto, desk officer of Bantayan Police Station, said Enrico Espina confronted the victim why she blocked him on Facebook.

The confrontation resulted in a heated argument because Bawi-in could not give a valid reason why she blocked her boyfriend’s account.

 Espina is currently enrolled in a university in Cebu City while Bawi-in is attending school in a private college in Madridejos.    

Giganto said Espina went home to Bantayan on Sunday purposely to confront his girlfriend why she had stopped communicating and blocked him on social media.

But instead of getting answers to his questions, Espina got even more confused why Bawi-in suddenly became indifferent to him. Out of his frustration, Espina took a knife and slit his girlfriend’s throat.

 Bawi-in was able to shout for help, alerting her relatives nearby. The suspect fled but later on surrendered to his girlfriend’s father who is a barangay tanod.

Espina was turned over to the police station and could face criminal complaint for frustrated homicide.

It was not clear yet whether the victim would press charges or forgive her boyfriend and go on a date with him on Valentine’s Day.  (FREEMAN)



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