Cebu Provincial Board suspends 5 Alegria councilors

CEBU, Philippines - Five town officials who are members of the opposition party were meted three months suspension after the Liberal Party-dominated Cebu Provincial Board found them guilty of the administrative complaint for dereliction of duty.

The PB approved yesterday the report of the Committee on Complaints and Investigation recommending for the suspension of Alegria Municipal Councilors Emelita Guisadio, Nemia Alocillo, Alejandro Villaneza, Maria Letecia Donayre, and Diosdado Lerio.

The suspension, however, is still subject to approval of Governor Hilario Davide III.

“I would like to emphasize that this committee report and findings is the result of a series of proceedings done in the past months, attended by both complainant and all respondents and that this report is a collective effort done by six-member committee,” said Board Member Grecilda Sanchez, acting committee chairperson.

Board Member Arleigh Jay Sitoy, who just resigned as majority floor leader and committee chairperson after he left LP and joined the Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan (PDP-Laban) last week, also signed the report.

 “It is further recommended that the respondents be sternly warned that a repetition of the same acts would merit severe penalty,” read the committee report.

None of the respondents could be reached for comment because they were allegedly having a political meeting.

The case stemmed from the complaint filed by Vice Mayor Marcial Rodriguez for serious and grave abuse of authority and dereliction of duty against the five councilors who belong to One Cebu Party.

Rodriguez alleged that respondents have deliberately failed to attend regular and special sessions of the Sangguniang Bayan and have effectively hampered the proceedings of the body.

The complainant alleged that on October 7, 2013, Guisadio, supported by her allies, moved to adjourn the session after her request for a video camera with television set was not granted.

On October 21, 2013 and March 24, 2014, the respondents allegedly failed to return upon the resumption of the session and also did not attend sessions on November 4, December 16, 17, 18, 19 and 21, 2013 and January 6, 13, 20, 2014.

The respondents did not deny their absences or failure to return in the sessions enumerated by the complainant, however, they justified their absences by offering personal and health reasons.

They also claimed to have not received notices of the sessions and alleged that they found the SB Secretary incompetent. Another reasons provided by the respondents is the alleged failure to install a video camera and television and the alleged illegal passage of resolutions.

 Board Member Raul Alcoseba asked if the defenses of the respondents are not tenable.

Sanchez said these are not tenable and meritorious. For several times, she said the committee tried to suggest that the solution of their grievances is not to absent from the session especially that they compose the majority of the council.

She further said respondents failed to attach even one document to show that their absences from the sessions were valid.

Following the suspension of the majority of the members of the Municipal Council, PB Member Celestino Martinez III asked if this will not hamper the legislative work in the town.

Board Member Peter John Calderon explained that during the period of suspension, respondents shall not be counted as members of the Sanggunian for purposes of determining quorum to conduct business.

This is based on the Department of Interior and Local Government Opinion No. 20, Series of 2005, March 20, 2005 and DILG Opinion No. 18, Series of 2006, March 8, 2006.

Calderon pointed out that both opinions were consistent in stating that the quorum requirements shall be based on the remaining members of the SB, excluding the suspended members. —/FPL (FREEMAN)


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