Robbery group attacks drugstore

CEBU, Philippines - After four days, another business establishment has been robbed in Cebu City.

Past 1 p.m. yesterday, 360 Pharmacy was robbed by two individuals armed with hand guns taking P20,000 cash and  the security guard’s service firearm.

Ryan Siao was caught off guard and was disarmed by the two suspects.

After disarming Siao, they pointed a gun at Rubelyn Gabatan, cashier , and then declared the hold up.

The suspects demanded the cashier to open the vault but because the pharmacy does not have one, the suspects took the money inside the cash register.

Initial report said some of the customers inside the pharmacy were clueless that the establishment was being robbed.

The suspects quickly boarded a motorcycle parked few meters away and fled.

The security guard and the cashier positively identified the suspect when they were interviewed by the police.

Later it was found out that the group of Leonardo Rama was behind the robbery.

Chief Inspector Alexis Relado, Pardo police chief, said Siao and Gabatan positively identified Leonardo Rama and Wendell Mendoza to be responsible for yesterday’s heist.

Rama’s group was also tagged responsible for the LBC Escario Branch robbery five days ago.

Rama, who hails from Davao City, is said to be responsible for strings of robbery incidents in Davao and has a pending warrant of arrest.

Rama’s group is also tagged in a La Nueva Pharmacy robbery in Barangay Inayawan earlier this year.

Senior Superintendent Noli Romana, Cebu City Police Office chief, said Rama has pending warrants issued in Cebu for possession of unlicensed firearms and robbery.

Romana said CCPO will intensify its comprehensive patrol program, especially during night time to avoid incidents like this in the future.  (FREEMAN)

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