PB defers purchase of medical, dental laboratory equipment

CEBU, Philippines - The Cebu Provincial Board has deferred the approval of a resolution authorizing acting Governor Agnes Magpale to sign new contracts for the purchase of medical-dental and laboratory equipment.

This is until the PB gets clarification on concerns relating to the contract including legal implications on entering a new contract amid the Commission on Elections (Comelec) ban.

During the PB session last Monday, the board requested for the presence of Provincial Attorney Marino Martinquilla on the next scheduled session.

PB member Arleigh Sitoy said that the board would want the advice of Martinquilla on the matter since according to Comelec regulations, release, disbursement and expenditure of public funds have been prohibited starting last March 29 until the end of election.

The resolution, which Sitoy authored, is seeking for the board to authorize Magpale “to execute and sign for an in behalf of the Province of Cebu a contract by and between the Provincial Government of Cebu and NPK Medical Trading, Inc. for the supply and delivery of various medical-dental and laboratory equipment for a total contract price of P905,000.”

Also proposed is for another contract to be signed by Magpale between Blue Sky Trading Corp.,Inc for the supply and delivery as well of medical-dental and laboratory equipment for a total contract price of P1,641,460. If approved, the province will also enter a contract between Sanjo Medipharma, Phils. For the same purpose of the two contracts and for the amount of P697,580.

Although Sitoy believes that the province will not be liable since the projects have been awarded to the contractors before March 29. Comelec Provincial Supervisor Eddie Aba has earlier said that as long as the projects have already been awarded to contractors, the provincial government would not be held liable for violating the Comelec ban.

The Province earlier sent a letter to the office of Aba requesting for authority to proceed with a number of projects like road, school and drainage rehabilitation. Aba said he has not gone over the letter yet which had attached all documents on projects but said that they would not have any reason to deny the request unless it involves projects  that still needs to go through bidding.

Further, the board has requested for the presence of  Dr. Cristina Giango, chief of the Integrated Provincial Health Office, during the next session.

The PB said they would need to clarify with Giango the importance of acquiring medical facilities as well as the beneficiaries of the project. — (FREEMAN)

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