Exciting Birthday Celebrations

Ever so beautiful birthday girl Nora Sol’s birthday was supposed to be on the ninth of March, but happy to say, the love-of-her-life wanted to have the celebration two days earlier as he would surprise her with a trip abroad. So, in a jiffy, Nora requested dear friend Tita Meren Gepilano to organize a dinner party and presto. . .  she had a blast at the Seafood City in Grancon. Her dear friends. . .  the first group were all present sans Rep. Gwen Garcia. In the second group, almost everybody was present. Looking at the celebrator, she was the happiest girl that evening with the love-of-her-life, lawyer Jun Muntuerto at her side. Without a shadow of a doubt, truly, the two had the love to last.


Another birthday celebrator was Belen Edillon, a very loyal secretary of Jesus Christi Community of Cebu, Inc. who has been with the community for the last 35 years. During her birthday last February 25, her children honored her with dinner cum musical program held at The Royal Concourse. Before dinner was served, practically all the women guests, including her children, presented her with buds of red roses. Seventy-five of these roses, which represented Belen’s age. She almost shed a tear!


But what brought the house down was the solo dance performed by Wanda Sepulveda when she wiggled and wiggled her body to the tune of “Hawaii Five-O!” And, of course, she kept the audience in awe. After the celebrator thanked all the guests for helping her celebrate her birthday, everyone went home with happy memories of Belen’s 75th birth anniversary. More years, Nyora!

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