
Dear Dr. Jen,

What causes sensitive skin to react?  How do I know if I have sensitive skin?  My face and neck get temperamental because sometimes it just gets red and itchy, and I don't know what causes it.


Dear Claire,

Sensitive skin is noticed when there is stinging, burning, tightness, or redness.  This comes more easily and readily for people who have extra-sensitive skin.  In most cases, there is an underlying skin diagnosis that makes the person react to regular products.

Eczema, allergic contact dermatitis, rosacea are common conditions that makes one very reactive to regular products, even to soap.  Eczema and rosacea are life-long conditions.  There are tips on how to avoid reactions if you have this skin type.  Excessive exposure to sun, heat or cold may also predispose you to becoming sensitive.

A clinical diagnosis by your PDS derma can easily identify these underlying conditions.  You may also opt to have some patch testing done to see which among the products you have are really causing the reaction.

Generally, products containing retinol, acid-based ingredients, fragrance, alcohol and peeling agents will likely give you some irritation.  So it would be wise to stay away from them.

Dear Dr. Jen,


Which simple products can be used as an anti-ageing cream?  How young can I start using anti-wrinkle products? I am in my 30s and have noticed wrinkles around my eyes already but it seems too early for me to be using my mom's anti-wrinkle creams.


Dear Genevieve,

One can never be too young to use wrinkle treatment.  In fact, the earlier you use it, such as in your 20s, the better the delayed onset of wrinkling is as you approach the mid-60s when everything starts to sag and defy gravity.

So to answer your question, you can already start using anti-ageing creams, tonight even.  The best anti-wrinkle products are still the tretinoin or retinol-based ones.  This will prevent wrinkles, give you even tone, and fight small, existing wrinkles. The better retinol creams should not be irritating and provide moisture too. If you are not used to applying anything strong on your face, I suggest you start with the lowest concentration such as tretinoin 0.025% and only use it once or twice a week at night.  When your skin has already adjusted, then you can gradually increase frequency of application until you can tolerate nightly usage.

Vitamin C and glycolic acids are also wonderful for wrinkle prevention.  However, since the eye area is sensitive, some eye creams are specially formulated to be gentle on the skin. Moisturizing component of eye creams are important too (like hyaluronic acid) since this will help smoothen and soften the skin.  There are several inexpensive ones to choose from.  Just remember, price is not necessarily the gauge of how effective a product is.  Good luck!

Dr. Tan is a diplomate of Philippine Dermatological Society (PDS) and is affiliated with Perpetual Succour Hospital (PSH). For information on PDS, check For questions or concerns, please text to: 0932 857 7070; or email to:; or call The Freeman: (032) 2531276, or PSH: (032) 233 8620 and 232 5929. Your inquiries will be forwarded to Dr. Tan.

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