Safety in using gadget

CEBU, Philippines – Electronic gadgets were certainly among the hottest gift items during the Christmas season. It is most especially so among young people whose common favorites are the latest-model phones. But such welcome gifts require proper use by the new owners.

There is recent news about a woman in China who met a fatal accident because of her smartphone. The report has it that the woman was walking along the riverbank while using her smartphone. She was so absorbed in using the gadget, the report continues, that she didn't notice that she was already heading to the very edge of the riverbank.

The woman accidentally fell into the rushing currents of the river. Unfortunately, there was no one to hear her screams for help. The woman's husband later found her slipper floating in the water, and found out that his wife had drowned.

The website correctly notes that "in this technology driven world, electric gadgets have continued to pop out everywhere. From necessities such as cooking and communication to simple leisure such as entertainment and comfort, these devices have made life a lot easier and more productive."

The website, however, cautions that "along with the numerous benefits [that electronic gadgets bring] are some risks such as electric shocks." Apparently, home appliances are referred to in the warning. Smaller electronic gadgets that can be held in the hand pose risks, too, as the recent China incident attests.

It might seem like common sense to some people that good sense is necessary when using electronic devices - any instrument or equipment for that matter. But others still encounter accidents or other such situations when handling devices. Precaution is strongly advised.

To begin with, the most important thing to remember is to check the user's manual thoroughly before using the device, points out. Another important thing is to take note of the gadget's unique characteristics and usage, as well as the dangers that it entails whenever it is misused. Doing this will not only help keep the user safe, but will also enable him to fully make use of the gadget's features. It helps, as well, to ask for help from friends who are already familiar with the device.

As a general rule, any electric or electronic device may only be opened by a qualified technician. But those who cannot resist the urge to check out a device's internal circuits by themselves should make sure that the device is unplugged - or, in case of a hand-held gadget, turned off - before testing it with electric meters, just to be extra careful.

While using a device, it is also important to be always wary of signs of burning such as acrid odors and smoke. This usually happens on the wirings and electrical adaptors. Also, it must be remembered that, in most cases, mishaps are caused by improper connections.

In most, if not all, cases, water is the worst enemy of electronic gadgets. So it is wise to keep gadgets away from water, including drinks and other liquids. Besides the fact that it is hard to clean up, liquids can cause devices to short circuit, thereby creating another safety hazard. Aside from the device being destroyed, fire may ensue.

Overall, mindfulness is the one most important thing to observe while using electronic devices. With smartphones, for instance, one must not be carried away with an ongoing chat or call or any kind of exchange, especially when engaged with something else. One shall be sure to pay attention to everything that he is doing, including everything that's going on around him. This will help ensure that unnecessary accidents are avoided.

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