Safety on all Saints’ Day

CEBU, Philippines - As the nation troops to the cemeteries starting today, there are certain matters that shall not be overlooked. People may just be so focused on remembering the dear departed and forget about other things - like, for instance, security and safety. The sentimental remembrance of departed loved ones can end up in loss of valuable belongings or precious health if certain measures are not properly taken.

The Philippine National Red Cross reminds the public of the following: At Home

1.There shall be no flame left burning as the family leaves for the cemetery.

2.If planning to stay out for long hours, it's better to unplug all electrical appliances, to avoid damage from lightning or thunderstorms, if ever.  Better, too, to cover all electrical outlets, especially those outdoor which may catch droplets of rain.

3.Upon leaving, all house entries must be locked properly. If a battery-operated transistorized radio is available, it's good to switch it on - to create the impression that there is someone in the house.

In Going to the Cemetery

1.Bring an umbrella, a face towel, a hand fan and clean drinking water to avoid heat cramps or heat


2.If meals will be needed (if the visit is expected to take some time), bring home-cooked food. Prepare the type of food that doesn't spoil easily.

3.It is good to go early in the morning, before or after November 1 and 2 if possible, to avoid the huge crowds.

4.If a car is used, it should be checked properly beforehand - water in radiator, battery, gas, oil, breaks, tool kit, flashlight, and first

aid kit.

5.A good place to park the car is a spot where there is a guard or police station nearby.

The car must be locked properly.

Inside the Cemetery

1.It pays to remember that no liquor or sharp objects are allowed in cemeteries.

2.Small children must be looked after at all times; they can easily get lost.

3.It is advisable to be familiar with emergency and  security stations in the cemetery, in case anything happens.

Of course, All Saints Day and All Souls Day have traditionally been a time dedicated for remembering dear ones that have already gone on. Yet it is wise to remember, as well, that there are certain practical concerns among the living that are as important to bear in mind. (FREEMAN)

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