June blackout

CEBU, Philippines - Picture this: After a night (or midday for that matter) of restless gallivanting, you awake the morning after with an absolute blank mind, with no recollection whatsoever of happened the previous evening.

You wake up on your bed (or in my case beside my bed on the floor) wondering how you even got there.  After a big gulp of much needed ice cold water, your subconscious reminds you that you were in the company of good friends, who like yourself, have the knack for having a great time. But the booze just totally wiped out the conscious memory. And as your day moves on, snippets of what happened are all coming back to you. But still when the day comes to an end, the big picture is just a total blur.

This happened to me more than twice this month. And I’m wishing the photos will help jog back my memory. Nah! (FREEMAN)

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