Pretty Potato juice

CEBU, Philippines - You need: One sweet potato, one cup baby carrots, ½ cup parsley, 1-2 stems of celery

Instructions: Wash the ingredients thoroughly. Cut the potato into pieces that will fit into the hopper of your juicer. Place the sweet potato, baby carrots, parsley, and celery into the hopper until all ingredients have been juiced. Pour the juice into a glass and serve with ice. Try taking this juice with Healthy Options Omega-3 Once Daily Softgels.

Tantalizing tomato juice

You need: One cup cherry tomatoes, ½ Japanese cucumber, ½ cup fresh flat leaf parsley, a quick squeeze of lemon juice

Instructions: Wash the ingredients thoroughly. Chop the cucumber and tomatoes up into pieces that will fit into the hopper of your juicer. Place the tomatoes, cucumbers, and parsley into the hopper until all ingredients have been juiced. Pour the juice into a glass and squeeze in some fresh lemon juice. Stir well before serving.

AUTHEN-TIPS: Spend some time outdoors to absorb some natural sunlight and breathe the fresh air. Take a leisurely stroll around the block and focus on your breathing. Eat a light meal at least two hours before you go to bed. Don’t gorge on heavy foods that require a lot of digestion.




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