Giving back... Giving thanks The JRG Halad 2012

CEBU, Philippines - The Jose R. Gullas Halad 2012 last Sunday, December 2, 2012 at the Radisson Blu Hotel was a night of giving back and giving thanks to some very important people who have touched my life, in my moments of joy, of pain and of sorrow especially with the recent untimely passing of my 13 year old grandson, Kyle Julian Gullas-Weckman.

It was a blessed night for me to remember that during my lifetime I was able to witness the canonization of our very own Cebuano saint, San Pedro Calungsod. It was very fitting and proper that we have given the JRG Halad 2012 Award first to His Eminence, Ricardo Cardinal Vidal for without the efforts, patience and perseverance of His Eminence we wouldn’t have a Cebuano saint in our midst, in our lifetime. He has painstakingly labored and touched some very important people in the Vatican, this of course with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The inscription in the trophy which says, “Every Cebuano, every Filipino worth his salt should be eternally grateful to you, Your Eminence” couldn’t be more apt.

The second JRG Halad Awardee for 2012 was for a brilliant composer, a musical genius and prolific writer, Msgr. Rodulfo “Rudy” Villanueva who said that “the UV Chorale is in itself a miracle of San Pedro Calungsod”. The third award was for Ms Susan Fuentes, who during the 80’s and 90’s popularized many Cebuano songs and has touched the hearts of many.

Likewise, I was deeply moved and touched by the inspirational message of His Excellency Archbishop Jose Palma whose words made me ponder and reflect on the future of the UV Chorale. It is also my constant prayer and I should say have foreseen that we will have another Cardinal in our country.

It was an eventful night…a celebration of life. This with the apparent “touch and presence” of my mother, Inday Pining especially when His Eminence recalled how Mama Pining touched his life when he first came to Cebu as the Parish Priest of the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral. Furthermore, Msgr. Rudy in his speech likewise mentioned that Mama was also instrumental in his journey to become a priest.

At the end of the day, I try to remember and recall how in one way or another I was able to raise a substantial amount to send the Chorale to the Vatican. Recalling when we first brought the group to compete in Busan, South Korea, I  noted the tears and the laughter of the Korean audience particularly when they won, and later when they were invited to attend the World Youth Day in Sydney, Australia; how they were requested to perform before the college of Cardinals and Bishops all over the world, the only Chorale group requested to do so and how they captured the hearts of the audience, and so I said if I have touched the hearts of the international audience with their voices why not serenade our very own Visayanians, of which we did. I will always remember and scribble in my heart the names of those people who were instrumental in how we have raised the needed amount for the groups European trip.

I should say with the intercession of our dear Sr. Sto. Niño, Mama Mary and San Pedro Calungsod, what seemed to be impossible was made possible. Sending not just ten but thirty two warm bodies to Europe was unfathomable. It was like bringing the Cebuano voice not just to Rome but to the world..and the Chorale sang their hearts out for the first Cebuano Saint, San Pedro Calungsod. It definitely brought tremendous joy and a different kind of fulfillment to me and my wife, Nena.

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