Said and done

For over two months now, I’ve had the privilege of enjoying a relatively, hassle-free drive every other week.  What I mean by this is that, every other week we are mandated by the in-laws to stay at their place so that they can spend time with their latest grandchild.  So every other week, I am a resident of Stallion City.  Now, one might argue that driving through the streets of this city is not hassle-free at all.  In a sense, one would be right.  But if you live on Diaper Island and have to grind through the terribly mismanaged traffic control of that island and the wannabe Kapitolyo City day in and day out, you will agree that it is, relatively, less of a hassle to drive in the city of horses.

But this city is not without its faults though.  As much as I enjoy letting the horses under my jalopy’s hood loose every time I drive through the multi-lane expressway, I find the lack of traffic enforcement very disturbing.

First off, despite the mandated and established speed limit along this thoroughfare, every other driver plays mathematician and multiplies the speed limit twofold, threefold, and some even go fivefold.  I don’t know if this is because this is the only place these drivers can satisfy their need for speed, or because there’s nobody watching them break the law, but the urge is there to push the needle further forward.  And as these machines rumble forward faster and faster, the risk of getting into a traffic collision gets higher and higher.  Yet, nobody from the traffic enforcement group is visible.

Another problem is the proliferation of scooter and moped drivers who take to the streets without wearing government-mandated helmets.  It is bad enough that when you get involved in a traffic collision with these twits, local traffic enforcers would automatically blame the vehicle with more wheels to be the one at fault.  Having all these reckless, law-breaking two-wheeled menaces running the streets without helmets greatly increases the chances of road fatalities; which the local traffic enforcement group does not really seem to mind.

And lastly, there are all these pedal-powered ‘sikads’ that make their way onto the expressway despite the fact that they are not allowed to traverse this thoroughfare.  These “accident-waiting-to-happen” vehicles pose a danger to both motorists and commuters alike.  These vehicles move very slow in a high-speed, high traffic volume area, and are almost next to invisible due to the absence of reflectors or early warning devices on them.  Yet again, nobody from the traffic enforcement group seems to care.

I found myself asking why no action is being done by the local government.  My answer came a few days ago when I read the local papers.  Apparently, the head honcho in this horsey town discourages the enforcement of laws.  Can you imagine someone who is supposedly tasked to look after the welfare of the general public reprimanding local law enforcement for taking illegal, money-making ventures away from shady characters just because the local cops cannot provide alternative livelihood to these hoodlums?

It is no wonder the city traffic situation is in shambles.  Someone who is supposed to look after the greater good of the people would rather let illegal things proliferate in his city because he, himself, cannot come up with solutions to provide better livelihood to his constituents.  Well, it’s not the first time he’s disappointed the people who voted for him.  Good luck next year, buddy.

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