Cebu facing greater woes than the worsening traffic

CEBU, Philippines - A business leader warned that Cebu is facing more fatal concerns other than the worsening traffic in the metropolis.

"Forget about traffic. Cebu is facing at least two immediate concerns that need to be focused on right now. These are its weak disaster risk system, and the indiscriminating use of water [in the metropolis]," said Cebu Business Club president Gordon Allan Joseph, expressing deep concern on the fragile situation of Cebu.

Based on a recent study conducted by a Japanese consultancy firm, Joseph find the result alarming, which indicated that 93 percent of Cebu's land-mass is prone to be exposed to natural disasters ranging from the small to even the major ones.

He added that the issue on traffic happens to be the most visible concern, but it is only the tip of the iceberg of concerns that government agencies should really work on.

Joseph further suggested that if Cebu wants to embrace growth and attract fresh investments, it should make room for expansion in terms of infrastructure and readiness to disaster effects.

Secondly, Joseph underscored the alarming situation of water supply in Cebu, wherein volume is dwindling, while resources are indiscriminately used.

"There are too many private wells operating in Cebu, this threatens the flow of water supply. Water is owned by the state," Joseph said indicating that there are private entities and individuals who are making money out of water.

The apparent effect of climate change, which brings frequent typhoons and disturbing weather conditions in all seasons year-round is enough reminder that Cebu should be ready to face major disasters like that of "Yolanda" or the 7.2 earthquake in 2013. (FREEMAN)



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