Classic, old cars show stuff in Retro Race

MANILA, Philippines - Classic and old school cars will give spectators a trip back in time, to the 60’s, as they take centerstage in the 2013 TRS-Bridgestone Retro Race today at the Batangas Racing Circuit.

Only cars 1985 and older are allowed to compete, making the race track a moving classic car motor show with impeccably restored Mini, Volkswagen, Datsun, Toyota and Ford vintage cars.

The event is sponsored by Bridgestone, Standard Insurance, PUMA, Coke Zero, Acer, OMP, C!Magazine, Oakley, Aguila Auto Glass, Go Pro, Lifeline Ambulance, Karate Kid, Toptul, Elig, Bellevue, Rota, Brembo and Has Travel.

The 2013 TRS-Bridgestone Retro Race, one of the events lined up for the launching of the 2013 TRS Raceday, is fast becoming the most popular and successful back-to-basic grassroots motorsports races as it lured more than 30 cars last year.

 Participants will dispute the titles in the overall, Mini Cooper, VW and the Oldschool division for all other car types.


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