Flashbacks cops awards in Mini-Cooper racefest

 Expert Class driver Ferdie Raquelsantos poses beside the award-winning car in the third annual Mini-Cooper Racing Event, ‘Petronas Philippines Motorsports championships – Philminiracers Classic Mini Racing Series’ held at the Batangas Racing Circuit.

MANILA, Philippines - The Flashbacks team supported by Binalot Fiesta Foods stashed away four awards in the third annual Mini-Cooper race  of the “Petronas Philippines Motorsports championships – Philminiracers Classic Mini Racing Series” – at the Batangas Racing Circuit.

The team  figured prominently in four events – first in open pro class, second in junior class and third in newbie class and expert class. 

“I had to overtake 11 cars to win,” Expert class driver Ferdie Raquelsantos said.

The Binalot Fiesta Foods’ Flashbacks Team is composed of team owner and race driver Rudy Bunag, Raquelsantos, Carlos Castaneda, Anthony Jose, Reina Pilao, Dindo Razonable and Kenneth Angala and team engineer Hernani Velo. The team has nine mini race cars with three spares in case of breakdown or technical problems. 



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