Forest Hills takes Fil-Champ title; Matikas rules Am Champ

BAGUIO CITY, Philippines – Forest Hills found relief from the sudden collapse of former pro Raymund Sangil and went on to win the Fil-Champ title even as Matikas stunned the field with its breakthrough victory in the Am Champ in the 63rd Fil-Am Invitational Golf Tournament yesterday at the Baguio Country Club and Camp John Hay golf courses.

With the pair of 30s from Jin Ho Kim and Edsel Tan, Forest Hills scored the day’s best score of 114 for the team’s 479 and a two-shot victory over the deposed champion.

In Jae Kim and Edgar Lee added 29 and 25 for the team which had been in the sidelights for several years before finally making it to the top podium in this annual competition.

Matikas completed a turnaround at the longer Camp John Hay course with a final round 122 and 464 aggregate to beat Royal Northwoods by seven shots.

“I feel honored to be finally part of a champion team in the prestigious Fil-Am golf tournament. I will treasure this for the rest of my life,” said Gen. Alex Ignacio (Ret.) who counted with a 27.

The team was led by Jung Soo Park (33), Thirdy Escano (31) and Erwin Temena (31).

“I credit our victory to team work. Everybody contributed his own share in this momentous triumph,” Allan Pasion, Matikas rookie team captain, said. “ I am so blessed because this is my first time to captain a team in the famous Fil-Am Golf championship. I thank God for His gift.”

Forest Hills started the final round at third, five points  behind three-day leader AAV-Ventureslink-Robros and two off the Mizuno Superstars.

But the erstwhile leader  went on a downswing as Forest Hills and Mizuno surged ahead.

Sangil managed only a 28 behind Vince Lauron and King Stehmeier’s 29, while Rodel Mangulabnan added 27 for the team’s 113 points and 479 total. But the penalty cost the team two points when Sangil putted after a bogey at the fifth hole after their final score went down to 472.

It could even be a more exciting finale as the fifth men, Raffy Garcia for Forest Hills and Ace Stehmeier for Mizuno, both scored 22 points.

The winner will be determined by the final scores of the two tied teams.






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