Archery Association holds elections May 23

MANILA, Philippines - The archery association (NAAP, Inc.) will meet on May 23 to elect a new, seven-member board of trustees based on the amended article of incorporation and by-laws approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission last Feb. 18.

The SEC lifted and set aside on October 16, 2008 its previous order revoking NAAP’s ceritificate of registration after the archery body had complied with some SEC technical requirements.

NAAP Inc. approved the motion of holdover trustee Gen. Jose Marlowe Pedregosa during its special meeting last April 5, setting the election in a Metro Manila venue next month.

The other holdover trustees of NAAP are Councilor Renato Bartolome, president, Siegfredo Velasquez, vice president, Ligaya Manalang, secretary general-treasurer, Juan Ma. Pablo Nanagas, Dionisio Flores, Virginia Sering and Ruperto Sampoleo, members.

The other trustee, Dr. Cristina Reyes, previously resigned, citing her hectic work as principal of the Ramon Magsaysay High School.

NAAP also announced yesterday the staging of its national target FITA outdoor championships May 7-12 at Philsports in Pasig City.

Competition will be conducted in recurve and compound bow division and standard round.

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