University of Baguio honors grand old man of chess

MANILA, Philippines - FIDE honorary president Florencio Campomanes was conferred the degree of Doctor of Humanities, honoris causa, for his dynamic leadership and numerous achievements in chess during the commencement exercises of the University of Baguio recently.

The UB cited Campomanes’ various feats in the field of sports, particularly chess, which he helped popularize by way of promoting and staging top-level international tournaments, particularly in Baguio, that spawned the growth of the sport in the country.

Campomanes, a UP cum laude and a Fulbright Scholar at Brown University in Rhode Island and at Georgetown University in Washington, said he was deeply honored by the award and lauded UB founder Don Fernando Bautista, whom he referred to as a model colleague and an icon.

“Don Fernando’s creation of this venerable institution has given you the tools for life’s long journey,” Campomanes told the graduates. “That travel starts today but to face and hurdle the challenges will require quality thinking and labor.”

He also exhorted the new graduates to work with diligence and vision, the way he did in turning chess into one of the most popular sports in the land and in the world and becoming president of the world chess federation (FIDE) for a record term.

“One must have a vision, not only for himself but for the country and the people above all,” said Campomanes.

“You might go by my own example,” he said. “My highest claim to fame is that I turned the Philippines into a chess country. That’s probably one valid reason why I am the unlikely recipient of an honorary doctorate. I did for country and people what no one could imagine possible.”

Campomanes, who brought the World Chess Olympiad in the country in 1992, was also cited for his dedicated service toward the development and promotion of world brotherhood, the socio-cultural-education relations and commitment to the goals of international cooperation and understanding among peoples of the world through sports.

The UB also recognized Campomanes’ contribution to the Asian and world community as a sports leader, professor, athlete, writer and FIDE president as well as his other achievements, with particular emphasis on building the Filipino character, through sports.

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