Atienza heads new cage body

Days before a crucial meeting with the International Basketball Federation top brass, Pilipinas Basketball yesterday named its first set of officers at the Rockwell Center in Makati.

Bernie Atienza, chairman of the National Collegiate Athletic Association management committee, was named Pilipinas Basketball president by acclamation.

"I’m just taking the cudgels for everybody. My presidency is only on an interim basis since we still have to finalize the structure of Pilipinas Basketball," said Atienza.

Jose Capistrano of the University Athletic Association of the Philippines was named vice president, Mikee Romero as treasurer, Tommy Ong assistant treasurer and Melvin Mendoza as secretary.

Romero is the owner of the Harbour Centre team in the Philippine Basketball League where Ong and Mendoza are also serving as officers.

Conspicuously absent in the list of officers is a representative from the Philippine Basketball Association, one of the four major stakeholders in Pilipinas Basketball.

The formation of the set of officers, however, will give Pilipinas Basketball more teeth as it presents its case before the FIBA Central Board meeting this Sunday in Tokyo.

Pilipinas Basketball, armed with the blessings of the Philippine Olympic Committee, is seeking the acceptance of FIBA as the rightful basketball association in the Philippines.

The Basketball Association of the Philippines, a long-time member of FIBA, will also make a stand. It continues to enjoy the FIBA recognition despite its expulsion from the POC last year.

Patrick Baumann, secretary-general of FIBA, will give Pilipinas and BAP 10 minutes each to present its side.

Then FIBA will have to evaluate each presentation. Whatever the decision is, the Filipinos will be hoping for the lifting of the FIBA suspension, and allow the country’s participation in the 15th Asian Games in Doha, Qatar in December.

To represent Pilipinas Basketball in the FIBA meeting are POC vice president Monico Puentevella, legal counsel Ding Tanjuatco, PBA commissioner Noli Eala and chairman Ricky Vargas of Talk N text.

The BAP side will be led by its president, former Senator Joey Lina.

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