AAA endorses Go for IAAF exec council

The Asian Athletics Association (3As) is pushing the candidacy of Philippine Amateur Track and Field Association (Patafa) chief Go Teng Kok in the powerful International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF) executive council.

No less than 3As president S. Kalmadi of India and his secretary generak Maurice Nicholas of Singapore are endorsing Go as one of the Asian candidates in the IAAF general elections set this August in Paris.

"It’s a tremendous honor not only for me but for the country to be endorsed by the 3As to run for one of the 26 seats in the powerful IAAF executive council. With the continuous development of athletics in the Philippines and Asia in my mind, I believe we should go for it," said Go.

"We came to the conclusion that at least five Asians should be in that powerful executive council to give Asia a more active voice in the development of athletics in the world. And when Kalmadi and Nicholas said I should run with the backing of the 3As, I am inclined to accept the offer," he added.

Go, Kalmadi and Nicholas are in Bangkok, Thailand where the first leg of the four-stop Asian Grand Prix is being held. The event is only in its second year, a collective effort of the Philippines, India and Thailand and, only late last year, Sri Lanka to keep Asia at pace with the athletics success in the world.

The Grand Prix, which offers cash prizes to the top Asians winners, will have its grand finale in Manila late this year followed by the more prestigious Asian championships which is a joint venture of the PATAFA and the Philippine Sports Commission.<

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