Surfing in December

Disney Channel recently launched a new cartoon. It features a modern day heroine who juggles family, friends, high school, and yep, saving the world. That’s Kim Possible for you. The catchy tag line goes "Call me. Beep me, if you wanna reach me!"

Ah, the wonders of technology! Where people say it alienates people from each other and makes communication too impersonal, I say it bridges gaps and keeps people in touch. And don’t look now but our favorite PBA superstars have also started maximizing these benefits.

Awava Manila, a company that specializes in computers and related matter, introduced its product called Juan on the Web. The basic services are web site construction and maintenance for small and medium companies and different personalities. Last week, it kicked off with 15 sites of some of our favorite basketball players.

Each site has five major pages: profile, news and features, gallery, the boards, and sponsors. Profile section carries basic facts about the player — name, birthday, schooling, and the like. This is good for fans who wish to know more about their favorite players. I myself get letters every so often from fans asking about Danny Seigle, Eric Menk, Mark Caguioa, and Danny Ildefonso. Now, all this information is readily accessible with just a few clicks on the mouse!

If one wants to access statistics and game schedules, these may be found in the news and features page, where schedules of other activities, guestings, and appearances of players are also posted. Obviously, these are tidbits that are not always available on television or radio coverage of the games. You want to know what these players do when they’re not playing or training for a game? This is the page to check out!

Also a special feature is the gallery where different baby pictures, college ball pics, family and friends pics are posted. These may be downloaded and printed out for those who may want to keep their own copies of never before seen photos of their idols. And it gets better.

The strength of all these web sites is that it is interactive. Fans may register and post messages and questions at the boards where our players could access and write back! Say goodbye to the snail mail! I know how frustrating it is for fans to write long letters and sit and wait all day for reply, not even knowing if the letters got through the post office. Now, with just a few clicks on the net, you may direct your greetings and queries to the specific player and rest assured that answer will come your way soon. And because it’s on the net, you may check it out 24/7, at your own convenience!

The sponsors’ page provides links to the different sites of companies supporting the specific player with endorsements and advertisements.

What I like about the sites is that each URL is uniquely designed according to the personalities of the players. Alaska Don Carlos Allado chose red as the main color scheme of <> because it is the Aces‚ color. If you access his boards, you’ll see how the don interacts with his fans. He makes everyone feel welcomed. And that’s why the fans continue to support him.

Another red site is Davon Harp’s. The site also features a catchy icon for the initials of this Red Bull power forward. Check it out at .

Eric Menk’s site is green and black because those are his favorite colors. The opening title of is "Feel the Pain" where Major Pain opens with a short note encouraging the visitors to take advantage of the features of the site. You can’t get any more personal than that. What’s really nice about this project is that it shows the fans much these PBA stars try to reach out to their fans. And the bonus is, as Menk puts it, "It gives another perspective of the players OFF the court."

Fans of Shell’s Tony delaCruz may check out for a more personal interaction with this PBA looker. As his tag line goes, "The Real Tony- More Personal."

Sportscaster Anthony Suntay also has his own at Main color is orange and key word is "sportsman." In here you’ll find out that your favorite PBA anchor is not just into basketball, golf, tennis, badminton, football. . . name it, this guy has tried it.

Other players whose sites are being worked on are Alvin Patrimonio, Danny Ildefonso, Jeff Cariaso, Chris Jackson, Mark Caguioa, JJ Helterbrand, Danny Seigle, and John Arigo. I’ll keep you posted on the different URL’s next time.

And finally, for comments and suggestions, you may get in touch with me at

We’re nearing the end of this 2002 Selecta-PBA All-Filipino Cup. After this conference, PBA 2003 won‚t start until February next year. These sites are a good way for us to keep in touch with the different players during this long break. So guys, take advantage! Happy surfing!

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