Board to vote for charter revisions

The PBA board of governors will likely vote unanimously for the approval of proposed amendments in its constitution and by-laws with commissioner Emilio "Jun" Bernardino expected to remain in his post with the full trust and confidence of the board.

A reliable source said the PBA board believed Bernardino is still the right person to hold the rein of the league although "there are quarters trying to rock the boat."

The source confirmed board chairman Wilfred Steven Uytengsu’s annoucement Monday night that the board is not about to clip the commissioner’s power but thought of putting up measures to keep the league atuned with the changing time.

"The amendments to the constitution and by-laws are as good as done. Commissioner Bernardino seems ammenable to the changes and the board will surely vote for it ," said The Star source.

The board made the final draft on the proposed amendments then presented it to Bernardino in a meeting at the Manila Golf Club Monday night. The league governors will vote on it in another meeting on Nov. 8.

source stressed Bernardino isn’t under fire and that the amendments are not clouded with secrecy, suggesting that "there are just quarters trying to blow the issue out of proportion."

He said the board might have delved on some sensitive articles but it’s not meant to clip the commissioner’s powers but to improve the status of the league.

Uytengsu on Monday said most of the proposed amendments are centered on the financial aspect of the league.

The source said among the other proposed amendments is for teams to have the right to appeal decisions by the commissioner on off-court matters.

There’s also a reported proposal to reduce the voting power of sister ballclubs to only one but it was immediately thumbed down by the board. Barangay Ginebra and San Miguel are sister teams under San Miguel Corp. while Shell and Purefoods are the same under the Ayala conglomerate.

Uytengsu refused to reveal the proposed amendments Monday, saying: "It’s premature to say what the amendments are because the commissioner asked for some time to review them."

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