PBA to go after salary cap violators

Are there really ballclubs violating the salary cap restrictions in the Philippine Basketball Association?

The PBA Commissioner's Office is trying to find this out even as it is already taking measures to curb possible salary cap violations which could affect the balance of the league.

The issue is high on the agenda of the PBA board meeting on Monday but the Commissioner's Office has drawn measures to strictly enforce the existing salary cap rule.

In a meeting with the team managers yesterday at the EDSA Shangri-La Plaza, PBA executive director Sonny Barrios, in the absence of Commissioner Jun Bernardino, directed the ballclubs to submit fact sheets -- under oath -- detailing all their transactions which fall under the salary cap scheme.

Barrios said these papers, which involved players' contracts and other guaranteed earnings, will be docketed at the PBA office with copies provided all the teams.

And in the course of the season, Barrios said the PBA will pick players at random, asking them to declare their pay checks also under oath.

"The rules will have the team themselves policing their own ranks. Unlike before when its only the commissioner's office which did that. Now the teams will share in the responsilibity," said Barrios.

At least three board members reportedly compelled the commissioner's office to strictly enforce the rule in the wake of reports of alleged violations by certain ballclubs in their effort to strengthen their lineups.

The salary cap for this year is pegged at P33 million.

Under the existing rules, teams caught violating the rule will forfeit their share in the league's television revenue for the year -- approximately P20 million.

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