Petilla w/ PNoy's officials to study cash transfer program

TACLOBAN CITY, Philippines — Leyte Governor Carlos Jericho Petilla is in Mexico this week, together with a crack team handpicked by President PNoy Aquino, to observe for themselves how Mexico implemented its "conditional cash transfer" program and succeeded, the local counterpart of which is commonly known as the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino or 4Ps.

Petilla is the only governor in the team, which is composed of DSWD Secretary Corazon Soliman, Budget Secretary Florencio Abad, DILG Secretary Jesse Robredo, National Anti-Poverty Commisssion Secretary General Jose Eliseo Rocamora, another cabinet official and a mayor.

The conditional cash transfer program is a subsidy program, in which the government gives poor families cash assistance under certain requirements. It is known in different names in different places but its common idea is to combat poverty or break the cycle.

In Mexico, where it first began on a national scale, it is called Oportunidades while in Brazil, where it was implemented on a wider scale, it is known as Bolsa Familia.

The requirements vary, but many countries employ the model used by Mexico where families must keep their children in school and go for regular medical checkups, and mom must attend workshops on subjects like nutrition or disease prevention. The payments almost always go to women, as they are the most likely to spend the money where it is supposed to be spent.

Before leaving, Petilla told the media that "this is likely the most important government anti-poverty program the world has ever seen. It is worth looking at how it works, why it has been able to help so many people, and how it ensures proper use of the resources given to the beneficiaries."

Several towns in Leyte are covered by the 4Ps of the national government, and the governor has been reminding the recipients to use the money strictly for the intended purpose. His commitment to make the 4Ps program successful resulted in his being named the focal person on 4Ps program for the Visayas.

Petilla added that the Philippine delegation's work will not stop with the observation tour. Later on¸ the team will have focus group discussions on how best to implement the program in the country. (FREEMAN)

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