For these inspiring BPO seniors it’s never too late to shine

MANILA, Philippines -  They are not exactly late bloomers, but two of Convergys’ top-performing senior citizen employees, Beth Robis and Chito Flojo, easily stand out in the company’s roster of agents not just for their age but because of their passion, excellence and service to others.

Both were engaged in “traditional” industries before they joined the BPO industry and discovered that in a company like Convergys, which doesn’t discriminate on age, the contributions that individuals bring to the workplace are highly valued.

Beth Robis, A.K.A. ‘Queen of the night’

A sole parent to her six children whom she singlehandedly raised, “Mommy Beth” is known among peers for her nurturing ways: She brings food and medicine to her teammates when they’re not feeling well

or have not taken their lunches. Her love of family inspires everyone around her.

Beyond her motherly ways, her teammates attest that she is one the most committed, trustworthy, and dependable agents around.

She is 61.

“I have chosen not to retire at this point because I still have a daughter who needs my support so she can finish college. Besides, I enjoy my work. It keeps me sharp mentally and physically,” she shared.

“After my daughter graduates, I plan to continue working. I don’t want to be at the mercy of my children for financial support,” she added.

Robis has become a popular figure at the Convergys McKinley site because her lively personality and enthusiasm in group activities that have earned her the moniker,

“Queen of the Night” are difficult to miss.

She says working with younger people encourages her to be more competitive.

“I make the effort to keep at par with them in terms of skills and performance. I participate in all the site and team-building activities to show them that I am one with them. I want to be engaged all the time.

The only activities I decline joining are the night outs partying or clubbing, which the younger ones tend to enjoy,” she said.

Elizabeth worked as an executive secretary and as a computer programmer before she was hired by Convergys in 2010. At Convergys, she is a consistent performer in her account as a customer service representative offering technical support for electronic devices. She has also won many performance awards including Agent of the Year in 2013. Her co-workers attest to her impressive work ethics.

“My professionalism has helped me mature beautifully in this job. I believe that I was able to help the company meet its goals by providing excellent customer service,” she said.

When asked what she loves best about working in Convergys, she says, “I love the feeling of working with a family, not a ‘company’.”

Chito Flojo: Age is just a number

“Working with young people is a big challenge. I had to learn to overcome my tendency for stubbornness and resistance to change by making a conscious effort to adapt to the environment,” shared Ramon

Eduardo Flojo, or “Daddy Chito” to work friends and teammates.

A Business Management graduate from De La Salle University, Flojo worked in the banking industry for years before plunging into early retirement in 1988. After a short hiatus, he shifted to a career in advertising as a media and production manager. Afterwards, he managed a café-slash-book shop for three years.

“When the book shop closed, I found myself contemplating about retirement and what I equated it with: boredom. Then my eldest daughter urged me to join the BPO industry. She explained that in this industry, age is not a barrier – it’s the skills that matter. I immediately emailed an application to Convergys,” he said.

In just a few years, he became one of the top agents in his site, with a huge tarpaulin displayed prominently on the production floor bearing his name to show for it.As a more experienced co-worker, Chito says he has become the go-to person when someone needs advice on work issues, or even, personal problems.

“What I like best about working in Convergys is how the company values teamwork.

Also, the nature of this industry guarantees that one is constantly interacting with people from various social and educational backgrounds – whether colleagues or customers, and this helps me deal with people on a deeper level of understanding, which I am grateful for as a life-long skill I continue to hone,” he explained.

Indeed, the stories of Beth Robis and Chito Flojo is proof that for many who long to find meaningful employment, grow as world-class professionals and enjoy many career opportunities, the BPO industry is an equal-opportunity employer where anyone, regardless of age, has a place to succeed.










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