Jack Welch and Jesus

In an interview with Dan Rather on the CBS program 60 Minutes, Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric, said that the most difficult question he was ever asked was, “Do you think you will go to heaven when you die?”

I couldn’t help wondering how the conversation might have gone if it had been between Jack and Jesus Christ:

Jack: “I did a lot of good things for many people in my day.”

Jesus: “You remind me of Nicodemus”

Jack: “What did you tell him?’

Jesus: “I told him he needed to be born again.”

Jack: “You mean that business about God’s keeping the record book with two columns, one for good deeds and the other for bad deeds, and when the one for good deeds outweighs the other, you get into heaven – that it isn’t true?”

Jesus: “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.”

Jack: “What does that mean?”

Jesus: “God so loved the world that He gave Me, His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Me shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send Me into the world to condemn the world. God saves the world through Me” (see John 3:16-17).

Think of when you would stand at heaven’s door. What would you say to God so that He can let you in?


Used with permission from Guidelines Philippines, Inc. To learn more about Guidelines and the ministry, please write to Box 4000, 1280 Makati City, Philippines or e-mail address box4000@guidelines.org. You may also visit our website at www.guidelines.org.

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