Special Olympics Philippines holds Athlete Leadership Program

MANILA, Philippines - Special Olympics Philippines (SOP) recently held its Athlete Leadership Program (ALP) Global Messenger - Beginner Course at the El Cielito Inn in Makati to provide speech training and presentation skills to intellectually disabled athletes representing the movement. ALPs train athletes to serve in meaningful leadership roles other than, or in addition to sports. They offer athletes an opportunity to participate as partners in all aspects of the Special Olympics movement in the Philippines. Seen in photo with the participants are SOP national executive director Alex Babst (far right, back), SOP president Ma. Therese Macapagal, vice-president Suzette Babst, SOP director and ALP coordinator Cristina Canizares-Gacuma and Asia Pacific program development and ALPs coordinator Yee Saengwang. Visit Special Olympics Philippines at www.geocities.com/special_olympicsph or call 9266946-47.

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