A better way

Nothing can bring more peace to your heart than the assurance that regardless of what the days may hold, there is the Shepherd of your soul who will lead you through the darkness, and walk with you into the light. Do you believe that?

Long ago God gave assurance to His children and you find in the words of David’s psalm three great truths.

Guideline 1: There is strength in submission to the will of your Heavenly Father. “He makes me lie down in green pastures,” says David. Lying down in green pastures runs contrary to everything human logic dictates. In the face of difficulty, challenge or storm – when your life is becoming unglued – the last thing in the world you want to do is lie down. “Do something,” your nature cries out, because we reason that doing nothing is the worst possible choice.

Guideline 2: There is peace in the decision to follow the Shepherd. The still waters produce restoration that brings health and healing for your troubled heart. Most of our problems are not physical; they are emotional and spiritual – which, in turn, wreak havoc on our physical bodies. The greatest enemies are the foes that hide in the dark caves of our hearts – the anger, hatred, revenge and prejudices that rob us of peace of mind.

Guideline 3: Following the Shepherd relieves you of a great burden. You don’t have to know what is ahead because He does. You don’t have to know the way out of the darkness because He does. Follow Him, stay close to Him and walk in His footsteps.

Understand that God wants you to respond in trust and not worry. His way is better, always better.

Today Counts is available in bookstores nationwide. For more information, write to Guidelines Philippines, Box 4000, Makati;

e-mail:box4000@guidelines.org; website www.guidelines.org.

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