The Year of the Dog

After the turbulent year of the rooster, a year full of surprising and unfortunate events, we welcome a period of relative calm in the Year of the Fire Dog. Of all the animals, the Dog is man’s best friend, and we will therefore see a great deal of humanity and domesticity coming to the fore. But before we reveal our fearless forecast for this year, let us first look at the year just ended, the Year of the Wooden Rooster.

We predicted that in 2005 "a major graft and corruption scandal will be uncovered and full legal and media investigation will ensue. Protests and mass actions will be effectively dealt with as law and order prevail." This could not have been more true as the jueteng and "Garcigate" scandals, which led to the year-long investigations and mass protests, hugged the headlines for most of the year. Towards the last quarter of the year, all these petered down and a relative calm prevailed.

We also predicted that "the country will experience a slow but significant economic recovery and some of the government’s economic recovery initiatives will bear fruit". The increase in the country’s growth rate, the passage of the EVAT law, the significant gains in the peso-dollar exchange rate and the perking up of the stock market attest to this.

On the negative side, we predicted that there would be major mishaps during the year, including natural calamities related to fire and aviation accidents. These predictions unfortunately occurred as we were shocked by the devastating earthquake in Pakistan, the recent building fire in Russia which killed 17 people, and the uncontrollable bush fires in Australia and the US which destroyed hundreds of homes. There were also a number of tragic aviation accidents. A total of over 1,000 people were killed in 26 plane crashes in Iran, Greece, Iraq, Afghanistan, Venezuela, and other countries.

On a sad note, we wrote that "the world will mourn the death of a famous religious figure and a respected international leader will meet an accident or fall seriously ill". The death of Pope John Paul II saddened the world, and just two weeks ago, we commiserated with the Israeli people when Prime Minister Ariel Sharon went into a coma after a near-fatal heart attack.

Some may be cynical about predictions or fortune telling, but one thing is certain: more and more Filipinos are becoming avid followers of Chinese astrology. Let us take a closer look at how the Chinese go about foretelling the year for us.

Astrology is one of the most ancient of the Chinese arts. It was practiced widely and had influenced major decisions in Chinese imperial courts. Of course, nowadays, the Chinese government does not rely on astrology when it formulates its economic or foreign policies, but feng shui still plays a significant part in the lives of the Chinese–where to situate the door in a new building, when to launch a new product, when a wedding should be held, and other practices that take their roots from Chinese astrology.

It might be a surprise to many that there is a scientific basis to Chinese astrology which is based on the lunar calendar and has logical references to cyclical and natural phenomena. The lunar calendar, the oldest chronological record in the world, can be traced back to 2637 BC when Emperor Huang Ti introduced its use during the 61st year of his reign. The ancient Chinese regarded the moon as having a profound influence on man. Being the closest heavenly body to Earth, its gravitational pull causes the ebb and flow of tides. The Chinese believe that the four phases of the moon have their functions and significance. Under this lunar system, each month is composed of the four phases of the moon beginning with the new moon. Twelve months comprise the lunar year and twelve years make up one cycle.

The years in each cycle are named after 12 animals. Legend has it that before the Lord Buddha departed from the Earth, he summoned all the animals to come to him. Only twelve animals appeared before him to bid him farewell. First to arrive was the Rat, then the Ox, the Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and finally the Pig. In gratitude, he named a year after each of them beginning with the Rat. He also proclaimed that all those born during that year would inherit some of the characteristics of that animal.

These animal characteristics determine, to a large extent, the nature of the events that will take place each year. Other determinants, in the very complicated system of Chinese astrology, include the five elements of Metal, Water, Wood, Fire, and Earth which also exercise a profound influence on one’s life. Also important in determining horoscopes are the kind of stars that appear in each particular period. The Chinese almanac or T’ung Shu, which is widely consulted by geomancers or astrologers, lists astrological and astronomical data for each day of the Chinese year. The appearance of "lucky‚ and "unlucky" stars also provides some basis for astrological predictions.
General Prospects for the Year of the Dog
The Year of the Fire Dog covers the period from January 29, 2006 to February 17, 2007. While the Dog sign is characterized by stability and respect for humanity, the element of Fire which partially dominates the period will provide some surprises and excitement.

2006 will see the rebirth of deep patriotism in many parts of the world. In previous years of the Dog, many countries won independence or settled territorial disputes. The same is predicted this year and people in power will focus on defense, security and maintenance of law and order. The global fight against terrorism will see a major breakthrough.

While the path to peace may be turbulent and marked with clashes, upheavals and rebellions, order and stability shall prevail before the year ends. Controversial national issues will also be resolved. The United Nations will play a pivotal role in the resolution of several international conflicts related to territorial disputes and ethnic unrest.

The Year of the Dog will also see idealism coming to the fore, and people will feel unwavering commitment to their beliefs and causes. It is therefore a perfect time to reassess national values and priorities. Along the way, major protests and rallies could ensue as a result of rigid willpower and unbending quest for justice against inequality and oppression. Many Filipinos will find volunteerism and charity work important and take active roles in environmental protection, disaster relief, and poverty alleviation.

On the Philippine economy, the country will experience a slow but steady growth. The tourism, transportation, telecommunications, and the creative industries will make major headways. Businessmen should, however, avoid high risk investments and go for safer business ventures such as real estate development.

But one thing is clear–the Year of the Dog is the year of the Family. Many people will experience harmony and happiness in their home life. Family bonds will be strengthened and family support will spell the success of many personal and business endeavors. People will also delight in the company and support of friends.

Let us now look at how we will fare individually in the Year of the Dog.


January 24, 1936 to February 10, 1937 -
Fire Rat

February 10, 1948 to January 28, 1949 -
Earth Rat

January 28, 1960 to February 14, 1961 -
Metal Rat

February 15, 1972 to February 2, 1973 -
Water Rat

February 2, 1984 to February 18, 1985 -
Wood Rat

February 19, 1996 to February 7, 1997 -
Fire Rat

A person born in the year of the Rat is hardworking and thrifty. He rarely lets an opportunity pass and is constantly involved in many plans and schemes. Charming, intelligent and sociable, he is easy to get along with and enjoys parties and social gatherings. He cherishes friends, associates and family relations and often gets enmeshed in people’s lives and affairs.

2006 is a variable year for the Rat, a year to stay alert and face many challenges. In order to realize your goals, you should keep calmly focused and disciplined, otherwise misfortunes could come in threes. You will be busy and sometimes frazzled at work but stop worrying too much about unsettled issues. It is good to be prudent and patient. In business, this is not a year for speculative transactions. Financially however, you will be stable. For those looking for work or wanting to shift jobs, there will be good prospects from previous contacts.

On the domestic side, spend extra time with family and friends. Take care of frayed relations and nurture the valued ones. Your excellent social skills will keep you busy during the first and last quarters of the year.


February 11, 1937 to January 30, 1938 -
Fire Ox

January 29, 1949 to February 16, 1950 -
Earth Ox

February 15, 1961 to February 4, 1962 -
Metal Ox

February 3, 1973 to January 22, 1974 -
Water Ox

February 20, 1985 to February 8, 1986 -
Wood Ox

February 8, 1997 to January 27, 1998 -
Fire Ox

The Ox is an animal that symbolizes prosperity through determination and hard work. A person born under the Ox sign therefore is dependable, calm and methodical. He is a tireless worker and can be entrusted with positions of authority and responsibility. Strong-willed, he can sometimes exhibit bad temper.

2006 will be a busy and memorable year for the Ox. There will be plenty of challenges and although big problems will surface, they will not be as formidable as they appear. Take the usual step-by-step approach and the expected complications will be smoothened out. At work, you will accomplish a lot but it is always good to consult close friends and relatives for major decisions. Be cautious with your finances. Income will be steady but there will be tendencies for large purchases or expenses.

At home, there will be a temporary separation from a loved one. This will be a socially active year for you with lots of entertaining. Travel is favorable for seeing old friends or taking care of family matters. For the unattached Oxen, there are good prospects for settling down with a partner.


January 31, 1938 to February 18, 1939 -
Earth Tiger

February 17, 1950 to February 5, 1951 -
Metal Tiger

February 5, 1962 to January 24, 1963 -
Water Tiger

January 23, 1974 to February 10, 1975 -
Wood Tiger

February 9, 1986 to January 28, 1987 -
Fire Tiger

January 28, 1998 to February 15, 1999 -
Earth Tiger

The Tiger symbolizes power, passion and daring. A Tiger therefore usually displays a rebellious, colorful and unpredictable character. He is a fearless and fiery fighter but on the other hand has a humanitarian and romantic streak in him. At his best, he is warm, sensitive and sympathetic; at his worst, he is obstinate, unreasonable and selfish.

This is a good year for the Tiger. Invariably, you can meet your goals by using your natural charm. You should also trust your instincts and when an opportunity arises, be quick to grab it. As the Chinese say, "Better to do it than miss it." At work, you might feel tired and frustrated from having to toe the line all the time but do not despair, luck will eventually favor you as influential people lend their support. There are good prospects for greater responsibilities or promotion. However, you need to watch your finances this year.

On the domestic front, this is good year for home improvements. There will be exciting social activities with friends. For single Tigers, an existing friendship could develop into a significant relationship.


February 19, 1939 to February 7, 1940 -
Earth Rabbit

February 6, 1951 to January 26, 1952 -
Metal Rabbit

January 25, 1963 to February 12, 1964 -
Water Rabbit

February 11, 1975 to January 30, 1976 -
Wood Rabbit

January 29, 1987 to February 16, 1988 -
Fire Rabbit

February 16, 1999 to February 4, 2000 -
Earth Rabbit

To the Chinese, the Rabbit symbolizes graciousness, good manners, sound counsel, kindness and sensitivity to beauty. The Rabbit is a witty and intelligent speaker and loves being involved in a good discussion. He is an efficient worker and has an extremely good memory.

Rejoice! Your year has come, a year for significant progress at home, at work and in your social life. This is a year when you will see your old problems being straightened out. On career matters, it is a year for growth. Although your progress could be hampered by some superiors and associates, you will prevail in the end and promotion will be likely. This is not the year, however, for timid bunnies. Grab opportunities as they come. Financially, you will experience good fortune with well-managed finances. A bonus, gift or unexpected income will surprise and delight you.

Your social life will be busy and you’ll often find yourself the center of attention. At home, you will delight in many family celebrations. There will be travel opportunities that you should not pass up. For single Rabbits, this is a good year for marriage.


February 8, 1940 to January 26, 1941 -
Metal Dragon

January 27, 1952 to February 13, 1953 -
Water Dragon

February 13, 1964 to February 1, 1965 -
Wood Dragon

January 31, 1976 to February 17, 1977 -
Fire Dragon

February 17, 1988 to February 5, 1989 -
Earth Dragon

February 5, 2000 to January 23, 2001 -
Metal Dragon

The Dragon is born under the sign of good luck and will do well in practically anything he attempts. He is magnanimous, full of vitality and is constantly on the go. Proud and aristocratic, the Dragon possesses an assertive personality. He could be egotistical, eccentric, dogmatic, whimsical, terribly demanding or unreasonable, but is never without a band of admirers.

This is a year for caution and humility. It will generally be a difficult year so in order to meet your goals, you should listen to advice and avoid direct confrontation with those who disagree with you. At work, you should plan more carefully and do so in close coordination with colleagues. It will also be good to develop new skills. This is not a year to change jobs or shift careers. For those seeking work, good prospects will come in April, June, October or November.

You also need to be vigilant and careful with your financial transactions. This is not the year to take risks. On the brighter side, your social life will be busy and enjoyable. There will be unexpected travel opportunities. But you need to be cautious of your health. This is the time for diet, exercise and rest.


January 27, 1941 to February 14, 1942 -
Metal Snake

February 14, 1953 to February 2, 1954 -
Water Snake

February 2, 1965 to January 20, 1966 -
Wood Snake

February 18, 1977 to February 6, 1978 -
Fire Snake

February 6, 1989 to January 26, 1990 -
Earth Snake

January 24, 2001 to February 11, 2002 -
Metal Snake

The Snake is the deepest thinker and the most mysterious in the Chinese zodiac. He is endowed with an inborn wisdom and intelligence. He treasures his privacy and possesses a calm and placid nature. Graceful, soft-spoken but with a good sense of humor, he loves good books, food, music and theater.

2006 is a constructive year for the Snake. Many good opportunities will come your way, so seize them and be bold in the pursuit of your goals. At work or in business, this will be an excellent time to launch new ideas or take risks. As a consequence, you will see your financial situation improve before the year ends. Your lucky months this year are February, April, September and November.

As the year will be taxing and sometimes difficult at work, you need to depend on your family and friends for support. Spend more time with them and it will do you good. Take special care of a recurring illness and be vigilant for any form of robbery. Unattached Snakes will have a fortuitous meeting in February, May, July or September which could lead to a life-long relationship.


February 15, 1942 to February 4, 1943 -
Water Horse

February 3, 1954 to January 23, 1955 -
Wood Horse

January 21, 1966 to February 8, 1967 -
Fire Horse

February 7, 1978 to January 27, 1979 -
Earth Horse

January 27, 1990 to February 14, 1991 -
Metal Horse

February 12, 2002 to January 31, 2003 -
Water Horse

The Horse is cheerful, popular and quick-witted. He is very perceptive and loves to talk. He is quite physical and exudes raw sex appeal–the type who will fall in love easily and fall out of love just as easily. Impulsive and stubborn, he will want to have things done his way.

The Year of the Dog will be busy and memorable for the Horse. It’s a time to gallop and move ahead of the pack. You should therefore capitalize on opportunities that will come. At work, promotions are well aspected and for those planning to change jobs, there will be exciting prospects. In business, joint ventures and consortiums will be successful and will consequently improve your finances. In general, you should, however, avoid detours and curb restless tendencies.

On the domestic front, those planning to move house will initially find it frustrating and difficult but will eventually discover that they have made the right decision. New friendships and possibly a new romance look bright in April, June, August and September.


February 5, 1943 to January 24, 1944 -
Water Sheep

January 24, 1955 to February 11, 1956 -
Wood Sheep

February 9, 1967 to January 29, 1968 -
Fire Sheep

January 28, 1979 to February 15, 1980 -
Earth Sheep

February 15, 1991 to February 3, 1992 -
Metal Sheep

February 1, 2003 to January 21, 2004 -
Water Sheep

The Sheep is the most feminine sign in the Chinese zodiac. Known for his gentle and compassionate ways, he is considered the good Samaritan of the cycle. He is righteous, sincere and is easily affected by sob stories. Although he enjoys being with nature, the Sheep is usually a homebody.

2006 is a variable year for the Sheep, one that will test him to the limit. The key to success this year is to trust your instincts, consult people who care about you, and stay clear of heated arguments. On career matters, new experiences, both good and bad, will provide valuable lessons that will benefit you in the future. It is therefore a year for care and thoroughness. Working closely with colleagues and superiors will help you a lot. It is also a time for vigilance in your financial affairs, so avoid unnecessary expenditures.

However, the Sheep’s home-loving nature will give you much pleasure and stability this year. Joining a charitable cause or doing volunteer work will do you well and will bring good fortune.


January 25, 1944 to February 12, 1945 -
Wood Monkey

February 12, 1956 to January 30, 1957 -
Fire Monkey

January 30, 1968 to February 16, 1969 -
Earth Monkey

February 16, 1980 to February 4, 1981 -
Metal Monkey

February 4, 1992 to January 22, 1993 -
Water Monkey

January 22, 2004 to February 8, 2005 -
Wood Monkey

The Monkey has the closest affinity to man and therefore inherits most of his intelligence. He is quick-witted, clever and innovative, and can solve intricate problems with ease. The Monkey is innately a warm, natural and spontaneous person. He exudes self-confidence and has an enviable joie de vivre.

This is a year of change and opportunity in many aspects of your life. At work, there are good prospects for promotion or a career shift, but it is best to avoid acting in haste. Be resourceful, cooperative and stay well informed of current events. When dealing with money matters, it is always good to be cautious this year. Get professional advice before making new investments as it is not the year for financial risks.

You will experience an active social life, but a word of caution: avoid being arrogant or trying to be the center of attention all the time. It is best to listen rather than talk this year. Now is also a good time for new acquisitions at home. Those who have partners will see their romance grow deeper this year, while unattached Monkeys will find new love in a chance encounter.


February 13, 1945 to February 1, 1946 -
Wood Rooster

January 31, 1957 to February 17, 1958 -
Fire Rooster

February 17, 1969 to February 5, 1970 -
Earth Rooster

February 5, 1981 to January 24, 1982 -
Metal Rooster

January 23, 1993 to February 9, 1994 -
Water Rooster

February 9, 2005 to January 28, 2006 -
Wood Rooster

The Rooster is the most misunderstood of all the animal signs. Outwardly, he exhibits self-assurance and aggression; but at heart, he could be conservative and old-fashioned. Rooster men are usually attractive, even dashingly handsome. On the whole, the Rooster is sharp, neat, precise, organized, decisive, direct and is good at handling money. He loves to budget everything he could lay his hands on.

2006 will be challenging for the Rooster, a year for treading carefully and avoiding taking major risks. At work, you will often be faced with a heavy workload and complex problems. You need to be more flexible in your approach to solving them. Use your people skills well, think twice before you speak, and be more realistic in your expectations of others. For those planning to shift careers or open a new business, this is not the year for major advances.

Your social life will be busy and you will often be the center of attention so make the most of it and play an active role. For single Roosters, be involved in an activity or sport you’ve been interested in and it will give you the chance to meet somebody special.


February 2, 1946 to January 21, 1947 -
Fire Dog

February 18, 1958 to February 7, 1959 -
Earth Dog

February 6, 1970 to January 26, 1971 -
Metal Dog

January 25, 1982 to February 12, 1983 -
Water Dog

February 10, 1994 to January 30, 1995 -
Wood Dog

January 29, 2006 to February 17, 2007 -
Fire Dog

The Dog is honest, genuine, loyal, sincere and respects law and order –qualities of an ideal citizen of the country! He is not materialistic and possesses humanitarian instincts. He is the type who would lay down his life for a friend or relative. However, he can suffer bouts of melancholy or when the situation calls for it, show flashes of temper.

This is your year and it is the time to forge ahead. Fortune favors bold Dogs who seize opportunities this year. There will be positive career developments in March, April, September or October. You should rely on your family and friends and make them part of your plans and goals. Although your finances will significantly improve, be vigilant and avoid unnecessary expenditures.

On the home front, your family life is well aspected. It will be a good time for home improvements and for Dogs wanting to move house, this is the year to do so. Travel opportunities will come during the second half of the year. Romantically, this is a good time for a new start–a revitalization of old ties or a chance encounter leading to romance.


February 4, 1935 to January 23, 1936 -
Wood Pig

January 22, 1947 to February 9, 1948 -
Fire Pig

February 8, 1959 to January 27, 1960 -
Earth Pig

January 27, 1971 to February 15, 1972 -
Metal Pig

February 13, 1983 to February 1, 1984 -
Water Pig

January 31, 1995 to February 18, 1996 -
Wood Pig

The Pig is the most easy-going and laid-back of all the signs. Cheerful, friendly and overflowing with good intentions, he does not bear grudges. He is the connoisseur/gourmet of the Chinese zodiac and thus enjoys good food and has a healthy appetite. Despite lacking strong ambitions, he is hardworking and is generally successful.

This is a variable year for you. It is not the time to pursue big life ambitions, otherwise you will end up frustrated. It is best to curb desires and keep expectations realistic. At work, focus your energies on self-development so take advantage of new HRD opportunities. You must also try your best to make new projects succeed as they will help you advance professionally in the future. Your finances look good with an unexpected, although modest, bounty coming your way through additional work, gift or bonus.

Your home and social life will be favorable too. There are good romantic possibilities in March, April, July or September. In general, although there will be frustrating times ahead, you should look at them as preparations for a bountiful Year of the Pig in 2007.

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