Smart tips for aspiring beauty queens

Ariella ‘Ara’ Arida: ‘No one is you and that is your power.’

Ariella “Ara” Arida has proven that for as long as you work hard to pursue your dreams, success will eventually come to you. Born to a family of educators, the late Arlesito Arida and Estella Hernandez Arida, in Alaminos, Laguna, Ara graduated with a degree in Chemistry from the University of the Philippines in Los Baños.

Blessed with good looks, height and a great body, Ara had always dreamt of joining beauty pageants. “I remember my dad telling me how stubborn I am for wanting to join a beauty pageant. When I asked for his permission to join Binibining Pilipinas, he blatantly said, ‘Huwag na yan. Politika lang yan.’ It was my sister who convinced them that it was okay for me to join,” shares Ara.

Ara then competed for Binibining Laguna and tried her luck at Miss Philippines Earth 2012. Eventually, she won as Binibining Pilipinas-Miss Universe in 2013, and was sent to Moscow, Russia, to represent the Philippines. She placed third runner-up and was the only Asian among the top five winners.

Fast forward to the present. As someone who hails from the province of Laguna, “Feleepeenz,” the infamous line from her Miss Universe introduction, she has made her hometown proud. Who would have thought that Ara could be where she is now — a beauty queen turned actress and host? “If not for my stubbornness and perseverance, I’d probably still be my old shy and timid self, working in a corporate setting, practicing my Chemistry degree. Some may call it destiny, but for me, it’s just about stepping outside my comfort zone — and that’s where life begins.”

Ara in a yellow gown for Misss Universe by Columbian designer Alfredo Barraza.

Here are Ara’s top 10 pieces of advice for young ladies aspiring to be beauty queens.

1. It will all start as a dream, and that dream will guide you along the way. If your mind and heart say you are ready, then go for it — don’t second-guess yourself. Follow your dream, reach for the stars, and aim for the crown.

2. Pageants seem easy in the eyes of many, but behind all the glitz and glam are hard work, determination, mental, emotional and physical stress, and a lot more. Put your heart and soul into it. What’s important is that you’re improving every single day. Remember, you don’t get what you wish for — you get what you work for

3. Never, ever doubt yourself. If you start doubting yourself, just close your eyes and imagine yourself wearing the crown, then get back to work.

4. We are all created as uniquely beautiful individuals. Stop comparing yourself to other girls; rather, learn to appreciate them. In pageants, your only enemy is yourself. Prove yourself to yourself and not to others.

5. No one is you and that is your power. Appreciate yourself every single day. Look at the mirror, say all the beautiful things you want to hear, then smile. Confidence starts when you feel good in your own skin.

6. Trust the process. Attend all the trainings, write down notes, know a little bit of everything, read and observe your surroundings. This will help you be more spontaneous, casual and knowledgeable in the Q&A part.

7. Have an open and strong mind with a grateful heart always. You will meet a lot of people along the way. Some can be of help, some are just a nuisance, but treat everyone with a grateful heart always because every person we meet has a purpose in our life.

8. Your core defines you. Embrace your flaws, learn how to develop them and no one can use them against you.

9. Have faith. When all is said and done, part of this is still destiny. Trust Him to guide you and pray for what you want to achieve.

10. Never forget where you came from and who helped you along the way. But never take your eyes off where you’re heading.

(We welcome your suggestions and comments. Please e-mail me at Follow me on Instagram @monsromulo.)

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